You Are Already That

Dear Master, If I abide in stillness constantly, how do I know whether I am doing right or wrong in my external activities? Kindly clarify.

June 11, 2022 | 444 views

What is stillness?

The unmoving, unchanging peace within!

This stillness is unending ….!
This stillness has no boundaries…!

This stillness is prior to form ..!
Every form happens out of it.!

This stillness is beyond time.!
Time happens out of it..!

This stillness is beyond movements!
Movement happen out of it just now..!

This stillness is prior to space!
Space happens out of it just now.!

This stillness is prior to manifestations!
Entire manifestation happens out of it just now.!

This stillness is prior to objects!
All objects happen out of it just now.!

This stillness is prior to words!
Words happen out of it..!

Q: if I abide in stillness…how do I know whether I am doing right or wrong in my external activities? 

This question is at the personality level only.

In stillness, everything dissolves…
Neither movement nor any object.!

Duality begins from this stillness!

What is right ?

What is wrong?

With reference to what?

This right or wrong question is …
at the personality level.

Once you are conscious….!
All your actions are conscious…!

Every action is complete by itself.!

Once you abide in stillness…!
You are conscious of your presence..!

Once you are conscious of yourself…
All your actions are conscious actions only….!

This division called right or wrong exists only at the personality level…

At the conscious level such divisions do not exist…as all actions are by Consciousness itself!

My whole teaching is that
There are never any persons here!’
All by Consciousness itself.!

How do you know your form?

But for Consciousness can you know your form?

In your Consciousness …
Not only your form …
But all forms happen… just now…!

When all forms are by your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness itself…and
there is nothing apart from your Consciousness…..

Tell me,

Who is who?

What is what?

When entire manifestation is by your I am ness’ Consciousness itself in space…. Just now… Happening….just now….

The total functioning of the entire manifestation is by your Consciousness itself…. just now….!

Tell me which is separate from you?

Is there anything apart from your Consciousness just now..?

your Consciousness is trapped at the personality level by identifying itself as a tiny form with fixed labels….

So you talk about right or wrong with respect to activities….outside…

I am asking now…
How do you know that you exist?

What is the principle by which you know that you exist?

What is the principle without which neither yourself nor the world here in space?

Why not you investigate on these lines?

Once you know that your ‘I amness’ itself is due to Consciousness here …and

Every movement is by your Consciousness itself just now…!

Everything is spontaneously happening
Just now by your Consciousness itself throughout space just now…!

Then you find no divisions here …!
Only peacefulness within consistently…!

Close your eyes !

You know that you exist just now
Without words..!

You do not require any words to know your presence.

Your presence is known directly to you.

You need not ask anyone whether you exist or not..!

You do not require any reference at all once you are conscious of yourself as everything begins from your Consciousness Only Just Now…!

All such references as right or wrong indicate that you are yet to be conscious of yourself.

Remain Conscious !

Abide in stillness….!

And know that every movement is out of this stillness only just now!

Know all actions are conscious actions only…. once you are conscious of yourself throughout….waking state..!

You remain totally free from every action as every action is complete by itself just now..!

Every moment, every action is complete by itself as every action is by Consciousness itself just now..!

Once you abide in stillness consistently…
You remain free from every action as all actions are by Consciousness itself just now.!

Why not you remain Conscious and remain free just now.?