You Are Already That

Dear GM, ‘You say Don’t bother about Others’, ‘Don’t Interfere with the Worldly Events’, What is the Secret behind it for my Inner Journey?

November 9, 2022 | 322 views


Your question clearly indicates that you hold yourself to be a person not knowing the Consciousness within without which neither your presence nor the world can be known.

First, you should know that your ‘I am ness’ is only Consciousness at present.

By closing eyes, you know your presence even without words through stillness.

Your presence is directly known to You.

Your Conscious presence contains the seed of the entire manifestation here in space.

You never knew that the Universe, Cosmos, World and all appearances depend on your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness.

Whatever perceived in space is created by your Consciousness only just now.!

Not knowing the immense potential of your Consciousness …unknowingly you are trapped at the form level identities.

I say, ‘ There is nothing called the other.

All forms are happening by your Consciousness only just now.!’

To find out this Truth, Your Consciousness should first accept that it is Consciousness only at present.

By going inwardly your Consciousness knows the peace within.

This Peace is Infinite and Endless.

This is the beginning of your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness.!

Though your Consciousness is infinite, It is trapped at the form level not knowing that all forms are created just now in your Consciousness only.!

When all forms are by Consciousness itself and nothing is separate from your Consciousness…!

Can your Consciousness remain worried about others?

No person is Ever Here!

Every form is created just now in your infinite Consciousness…

Your Consciousness unknowingly accepts itself as a tiny form not knowing its infinity beyond boundaries.

Once Consciousness knows its infinity through stillness…it knows that all forms happen out of it just now.!

Having known that all forms happen out of your Consciousness…

Can you bother about any form..?

When all actions are by Consciousness itself… Can you interfere with any events?

You never know that your Consciousness is the source of all.!

You remain totally ignorant about your Consciousness and its highest potential

Beyond limitations….at the personality level.

You are asking…’ What is the secret behind it for your inner journey.?’

The word secret is used only at the personality level…because you accept yourself to be separate from whatever is perceived.

At the Conscious level..there is nothing called secret as everything is by Consciousness itself just now!

Better know your ‘ I am ness’ is only Consciousness which is infinite and not the finite personality…!

By knowing this… you are totally relieved from all the disturbances at the personality level just now.!

Can you?