You Are Already That

Dear GM, Why is it that when a thought arises, the thought is perceived, but then it seems that something (!?) then holds on to that thought and start expanding on that thought? Does this happen because, unknowingly, there is an automatic identification with the dream image? Or, because the movement (thought) is considered real? Or does the ‘thinking’ just simply happens automatically?

March 15, 2023 | 305 views

GM: First know that you are Consciousness only at present.!

Without your Consciousness, neither your presence nor the world can be known just now.!

You neither value yourself nor focus attention on yourself.!

Unless you focus attention on yourself inwardly how will you know that you are Consciousness only just now.?

Once you know the stillness within…

Which is unmoving… then you will not get trapped by any thoughts just move around you …

Thoughts just happen.!

Thoughts are not you!

You are prior to thoughts!

Once you know this…

Can you fall a prey to any thoughts and get disturbed?

Your Consciousness is more alive and bubbling throughout the waking state…

Once you are in tune with your lively Consciousness through stillness… then you remain undisturbed by any thought that happen for a short while and disappear too….!

Once you identify thoughts you start giving reality to it….!

When you do not identify thoughts and simply Observe silently… then thoughts disappear….!

Thoughts are just movements.!

You are prior to thoughts and movements.!

You never know that you are Conscious only at present!

You get to know this… only by going inwardly and abiding in stillness constantly.!

Stillness within… is the beginning of your Consciousness!

Once you know the unmoving stillness within….then moving thoughts cannot disturb you.!

The unmoving stillness remains undisturbed throughout….!

Moving thoughts appear and disappear…

In your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only thoughts appear to happen.!

Once you are Conscious of yourself…then nothing affects you!

Close your eyes!

Know the stillness within.!

Now you are settling in stillness where there is no movement!

Every movement begins from your Consciousness only…just now.!

Know you are prior to thoughts!

You are the Master at the Conscious level.!

Thoughts are just your servants.!

Make use of them when needed.!

Rest of the time Observe silently and know the Stillness!
