You Are Already That

Dear GM, When Consciousness knows itself it is Awareness…..If so, is Consciousness only Awareness? Or Is Consciousness being used as a tool to know Awareness? If so, Who uses this tool called Consciousness?

August 9, 2022 | 361 views


Know, it is always Awareness that prevails forever….!

Awareness is Unmoving… Unchanging… 

Ever present Reality…!

It is Never born…!

Don’t assume that Awareness is different from you …!

You are already That…!

Even Now…!

Awareness is non dual…!

Only in duality anything can be known…  day and night…  darkness and light….

happiness and unhappiness… pain and pleasure… success and failures etc.,

How do you know anything ?

Only through perception…!

This perception itself is due to reflection of light only……!

Whatever you perceive is only a reflected object including your form.

Pure light cannot be perceived….!

Only elements created by light are reflected in space…as objects…!

Without light, there is neither matter nor object…!

All perceived objects are the reflections of light only…!

Light is reflected in space as objects through elemental interactions.

In awareness which is the source of light, there is no manifestation…!

Awareness does not know itself…!

It is non dual…..!

Spontaneously….a spark appears with the knowing….’I am ‘ due to elemental interaction….!

This  ‘I am’  Consciousness is happening out of Awareness……!

This  ‘I am’ Consciousness is dual as it appears for some time and disappears…..!

Whatever that appears and disappears is in duality…!

That which does not appear to disappear but ever present is non dual….!

Now, this ‘I am ‘ Consciousness knows itself as….’I am’ through a physical framework….!

But it wrongly identifies itself as a person with fixed identities…. and assumes that it is born and have a constant fear of death too…. till it meets a realized….!

Realized says:

‘You are That Already..!

Now Consciousness has happened,

Out of that, the entire manifestation is perceived….

Nothing perceived is real..!

All are only a reflection by light..!

The source, Awareness is within..!

so just go within and find out your ‘True nature! ‘.

This ‘ I am ‘ now instead of focusing attention outside….now starts focusing inwardly and finds out the source…..!

Once this Consciousness knows its source… it is Awareness only..!

It is complete…!

There are no more dreams or manifestations at the Awareness level….!

Now, Awareness knows what this Conscious principle ‘ I am ‘ is..!

So, this conscious principle ‘I am ‘ is needed to know itself as Awareness….!

This conscious tool, this form…is being used by Consciousness only to know the source…..!

You are asking Who uses the tool called Consciousness?

There are no persons ever here …!

Only pure being……!

All forms are by consciousness only….. !

Consciousness takes support from Awareness… but Awareness is more than Consciousness…
The source of Consciousness….!

Awareness and Consciousness are not separate…
like the Ocean and waves….!

When no movement, it is ocean…!

In movement, it is a wave ….!

Conscious ‘I am ‘ is an indicator of the Absolute, the Awareness..!

This ‘I am’  conscious indicates that there is something here, now deeper……!

At the surface, it is constantly moving like waves….!

The deeper the consciousness goes… it knows the unmoving stillness and knows it is Awareness only….once it transcends itself totally..!

Awareness knows its Supreme nature through Consciousness only…!

But for Consciousness , Awareness cannot know that it is Unborn…

Ever present…!

The Ultimate…!

Only through duality it comes to know its Eternal Supreme reality…..!

When Consciousness knows itself, 

It is Awareness only….!

Then there is no more movement…

No more dreams…

It is already free…!

Awareness remains free forever…! unbothered….!

Spontaneous movements by elements happen…..’I am’ Consciousness happens..!

The world happens..!


Only in the Conscious field as..’ I am ness’..!

Not in Awareness…. Understand this..!

Only the ‘I am’ conscious which is caught by the Conscious field suffers till it knows itself….!

Awareness does not bother about the Conscious field happenings as it knows nothing is real….!

Now, you are caught by this conscious ‘I am’ in Conscious field.. like how you were caught by the dreams inside though you were lying in bed outside…..!

This conscious ‘I am ‘ has to know itself..!

That is self realizing the self..!

As long as you are not conscious of this conscious ‘ I am ‘….

Not knowing exactly what it is… you remain incomplete..!

You are already Awareness only…..!

Then why bother about the conscious field and its knowing?

Because you do not know what this conscious principle ‘ I am ‘ is….!

Only Awareness knows this Conscious principle….!

That is why it remains cool, unbothered about the whole play……!

Even now, when you remain cool and unbothered about this conscious play happenings…..

You are That Already….!

Got it….?