You Are Already That

Dear GM, what will happen to my relationship with my loved ones once I awake and realize my true nature?

May 14, 2022 | 387 views

With what Identity you are asking this question?

Certainly at the personality level only.

Do you ever know that you are Consciousness only at present.?

In your ‘I amness’ Consciousness only this question is being asked?

But for your Consciousness there is nothing here!

When you are not Conscious,this question cannot be asked.

First know that you are… Your I am ness’ is only Consciousness at present.!

You take yourself to be a form…not knowing the Consciousness within just now.!

You never know that you are Consciousness only just now !

You can know this by closing eyes and knowing the peace within!

By abiding in stillness you know that ‘you exist ! Without words!

This knowing your presence is direct knowing…!

This unmoving stillness within is the beginning of your Consciousness.

This stillness is the indicator of the light within out of which entire manifestation happens just now.

Never underestimate this stillness!

It contains all!

Here…all forms are one only though their designs and shapes are different.

Each and every form within space is happening just now in your Consciousness due to interactions of elements spontaneously..!

None of the form is separate from yourself just now!

You say you love your family.

Is it not at the personality level?

This space itself is happening in your Consciousness only just now!

All forms within space are also by your Consciousness only!

When all forms happens out of the light of your Consciousness….
Tell me which one is separate from you just now?

There is never any division here.

You go on dividing …not knowing all forms are from the light of your Consciousness only!

When all forms are by your Consciousness …
Tell me which is separate from you just now?

At the personality level, you remain separate from the rest and find only divisions after divisions…

All these divisions are only due to ignorance of….What ‘you are’ exactly!

First your Consciousness should know that it is Consciousness only!

Then you see all as part of yourself

Where all divisions disappear!

Then by abiding constantly within…
your Consciousness knows itself!

Your Consciousness merges in its source and wakes up …to realize that whatever perceived in space are nothing but an unreal dream only!

You are always the Observer never changing …ever present.!

Once your Consciousness wakes up totally, then it knows that it is never born …ever present Eternal only!

Whatever born is only an unreal dream and never you!

You are the unmoving Observer!

Nothing has never happened to you!

Whatever happening is only an unreal dream..!

You say you are more bothered about the forms related to you…

Never knowing that all forms are by your Consciousness only just now!

Love is an ocean!

Love is Consciousness!

You are limiting the unlimited ocean within you at a finite level saying this is mine… the drop level…

Love is an unlimited ocean!

But you are confining the unlimited ocean into a tiny drop through limited identifications!

Know ! Here all are by the light of your Consciousness only!

Nothing is separate from your Consciousness!

You can remain worried only at the personality level!…..

As you are identifying the entire ocean only at the drop level as yours unknowingly!

Once you are conscious of yourself through stillness, you know that all forms are happening out of your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness just now!

At the Conscious level, you cannot miss anything here…as you are the source of all!

Remain conscious and know that all are from yourself only just now!

Once your Consciousness wakes up from the perceived dream, you remain unbothered about any happenings in space!

Will your Consciousness wake up at least now to know your Ultimate reality?