You Are Already That

Dear GM, Unconscious fear grips me sometimes when I move outside in this world….what can I do?

September 21, 2022 | 418 views


You say… unconscious fear …

What do you mean by unconscious?

Does it exist?

If so …where?  Show me …!

Unconscious means Conscious, not Conscious of itself and focusing its attention on the non existing past and future….!


Only Consciousness exists Here… Now ..!

That too in your ‘I amness’ Consciousness only all else is happening now…!

You don’t know your immense value…….!

You never knew your Supreme Richness!

Always begging outside …

begging for Love …not knowing you are the source of Love ….!

You don’t know your Inner Richness….always moving outside in search of money, fame…etc..,

When are you going to enter deep inward and know your Inner Richness and Unborn nature…?

You say fear grips …while moving in the world…

What do you mean by fear?

Does it exist?

Fear of what?

Are you the fear?

You assume you and the fear are one…

Then who is the Observer?

You don’t know what you are exactly now…!

By not knowing yourself you are caught by the worldly happenings…

Where does the world exist?

If you are not Conscious , Can there be a world?

Instead of paying attention on your ‘I amness’ Consciousness, you are focusing attention always on the worldly happenings …!

You go on accumulate knowledge and wealth only to add more fear ….!

The more you possess, the more the fear of losing….!

You assume that the world is real, All happenings are real ..

You were told that you were born ….that too real…though it is not your direct knowing …!

See, you were told that you were born on such and such a time … You have accepted it …

It is not your direct knowing …

It is only a borrowed knowledge from outside….!

Now you know that ‘ You are .! You exist ‘… Here .. Now…

It is your direct knowing…..!

Is there any link between these two statements…?

Ponder over a little …!

You waste your entire life time based on borrowed knowledge…from outside….!

You Never know what your ‘Self ‘ is because of which the world and entire manifestations happen …!

Why not you spend a little for yourself and investigate on these lines?

Why are you here?

When did you happen?

Where did you happen?

What are all these happenings which appear to disappear?

What is born?

Only that which is born should worry about itself…!

What will be the worry for That which is never born…?

I keep on telling you that You are Never Born ….!

You are the Ever present Supreme ..!

But you read it like a news and least bothered to know about your ‘Self ‘ !

You say…. you fear … Where is the fear for the one that which is never born?

You say…when you move in the world …

Where does your world exist?

Can it exist if you are not Conscious?

In your ‘I amness’ Consciousness only the world appears…

Your Consciousness and the world are not separate…

They are one and the same ….

When all are one and the same…

All forms are happening out of your ‘I amness’ Consciousness …

Whom are you afraid of?

This fear clearly indicates that you are stuck at the personality level…..

I don’t deal with the non existing personality….

I deal only with your ‘I amness’ Consciousness which is searching itself outside unknowingly…

Holding onto personality will certainly lead to miseries and struggles only…..

You are Conscious Just Now ….!

Hold onto this … ‘I amness’ Consciousness now… without words …!

Know the stillness within…!

As you meditate…you know the stillness within…!

Stay here…!

Stabilize here..! .. as much as possible …!

The more you are in stillness, the deeper you go inwardly…!

And you know the Joy springing out from within endlessly …!

Then you will see the Beauty in All…!

Love in All …!.

You will be content with what ‘You are’ Already …!

You will know All are your ‘Self ‘ only …! You will not find any divisions any more…!

Then wherever you move, you will see only Love and Beauty everywhere within Conscious field…..!

Inwardly you know the infinite peace…..!

Unless you are content with this Conscious field totally……

Your Consciousness cannot transcend itself and merge in Awareness which is the Source….!

How can this Consciousness get contented as long as it is moving outwardly taking all to be real…?

Your Consciousness should go inward and know that it contains the seed of the entire universe within….!

Then it will not bother about the world which is perceived outside…rather it goes deeply inward to know its innermost precious Truth which is always Here … Now…!

Your Consciousness which is sleeping now should awaken itself from its dreamy world …

Then your Consciousness knows….. what it is….. Exactly….!

Better Wakeup…!

Here  Now…! and Know your Inner Richness….!

Then you will not be caught by the dreamy world anymore…!

Can you…?