You Are Already That

Dear GM, To whom I belong to?

September 9, 2022 | 323 views


With what Identity you are asking this?

Certainly at the personality level only!

Are you a thing?

Do you ever know that you are not a thing?

But the source of all things!

Can this question be asked when you are not Conscious?

See how your Consciousness is conditioned itself as a thing, a form with limited shape and design, and remain a slave and asking to Whom I belong to?

What are you now?

Are you just a form?

Can your form function when you are not conscious?

How do you know that ‘ you exist?’

Can this form exist when you are not conscious of yourself?

Do you know that principle by which you come to know that you exist?

Do you know that principle by which entire manifestations and all forms including your form happen just now?

Have you ever pondered on these questions?

You simply accept yourself as a tiny form with fixed labels and asking …

To whom I belong to?

What a pity!

Not knowing your presence…..!

Your presence is known through ‘I am ness’… Consciousness just now…

You know that ‘you exist’, but do not know, what you are exactly!

At present your ‘I am ness’ is Consciousness …only …

In your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness only you come to know that you exist!

In deep sleep you do not know that you exist!

Only upon the arrival of I am ness’ Consciousness you know your presence through the form!

Your Consciousness is prior to form!

It has no boundary!, Infinite…

Now your infinite Consciousness comes to know its existence through the form and says ‘I exist!’

As your Consciousness comes to know its existence through the form, it accepts the form as itself unknowingly…. though it is prior to form!

Your consciousness is the source of entire manifestations and all forms… including your form …just now!

This you are yet to know!

You never remain conscious of yourself to know this!

What is this ‘I am ness’…. Consciousness?

How to know it?

Only by closing your eyes…just now!

You know the peace within just now!

Just abide in this stillness constantly to know that your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness contains the seed of entire manifestations perceived here in space!

This world, every form perceived in space, cosmos, universe etc.,are spontaneously, happening out of your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness just now!

Everything begins in your ‘ I am ness’!

Everything ends up in ‘I am ness’!

But for your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness nothing appears, happens here!

There are never any person here!

All forms are conscious forms!

Entire functioning of total manifestation is spontaneously happening in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness by consciousness itself!

When cosmos, world and all forms happen spontaneously in your ‘ I am ness’ just now …in your Consciousness….

Who is the Observer of all that happen in your Consciousness?

You are That!

You are the Supreme Reality just now!

Only in your Consciousness , everything happens including your form and other forms, cosmos, world etc…

Your Consciousness happens only for a shorter duration say from waking state till sleep happens!

You take all that happen within Conscious field as real as you are yet to know what this Consciousness is!

You, the Observer prevail forever!

You neither born nor die.!

Only in your Consciousness forms appear and disappear!

Whatever perceived in conscious field as forms are not real, they are just a dream only!

You, the Observer is prior to dream!

Nothing never happens to you!

You alone prevail here as the Observer!

When everything that appear in conscious field is nothing but a dream…

To whom those dream forms belong to?

Tell me!

You never know you are inside the dream and asking this as you take this form to be more real not knowing that you are the observer prior to form already!

You are yet to wake up from the dream called form, world etc.,

When you alone prevail here with no beginning and no ending and whatever Perceived in space are nothing but a dream….

Tell me!

To whom this dream form inside a dream belong to?

Is the dream form real?

When it is real why should it disappear upon waking?

Better wake up Consciously from the dream called world and know!

You are the Ultimate!