You Are Already That

Dear GM..! Is there Nothing in everything? Is there no solidity or substance in any thing? Then why this play is going on for nothing?

January 29, 2023 | 420 views


No – thing – means….no object..!

Just close your eyes …
You find no thing within!

It is not nothing…
But full of something…

You find peace within…

Peace is not an object but your own subject.!

This peace indicates the light within!

By Observing through stillness you know the light within!

Out of this light, only the entire Manifestation is reflected as Cosmos, Universe, World and all objects in space just now.!

Now whatever perceived here in space happens out of light within.!

All objects appear to be real …in space!

By going deeper within… you find all are out of light only!

Every object is only unreal in space as they are just reflections only…and there is no truth in them…!

My question is Who Observes all that happen in space?

Unless you Observe, can you talk about them?

You are the Observer prior to Consciousness and its manifested objects in space.!

You are asking :
Is there any solidity or Substance in anything?

Absolutely not!

As each and every object perceived within space are only a reflection of light within!

You ask..’ Then why this play is going on for nothing?

This play is by the constant play of light as quarks, photons, electrons and elements in space and not real…!

Your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is trapped by the play at the form level identities….not knowing that it is only the Consciousness within….!

By knowing the stillness within…

Your Consciousness starts waking up from the play and knows that it is prior to form….

Your Consciousness knows its infinity beyond form level identities and starts waking up by settling in stillness consistently and knows its Wholeness beyond dualities.

Initially your Consciousness is trapped by the form level identities by accepting every part of the happenings to be real….

After meeting a Realized it knows that in duality no reality… as all are only the reflections of light….

By transcending the duality it wakes up from the reflected play of the dream and knows that it is Never born and Ever present.!

Your Consciousness is knowing its unborn reality…only after waking up from the play…!

It is trapped by the play as long as it accepts the personality to be itself.!

This play goes on spontaneously in your Consciousness just now.!

You, the Observer prevail prior to Consciousness and its reflected play..!

Now your Consciousness is asking why this play as it is yet to wake up.!

Once it wakes up, it knows that it is the Observer only and never in the play like waking up from a dream and knowing that nothing has happened to you and you are perfect already.!

The Observer is unconcerned about the play!

To know the Observer your Consciousness needs to wake up!

Your Consciousness wakes up from the spontaneous play by elements…only by Observing silently through stillness!

This question is within the dream as the Observer remains unknown!

Better wake up from the existing play and know you are only the Non Dual Observer prior to space…

And you have nothing  to do with any of the play happenings within duality…as there is no Reality…in duality..!

Will you?
