You Are Already That

Dear GM, “In deep sleep you remain peaceful, after the arrival of Consciousness you miss the peacefulness” – From this quote Does Consciousness Enter & Exit ? The Observer is unmoving ! Then how this Consciousness Comes – Goes? I could not understand the statement . Please explain.

March 26, 2022 | 324 views

GM: First know you are the Observer always!

Nothing never happens to you!

Whatever that appears to happen is only within space after the arrival  of  Consciousness as
‘I amness’…!

In deep sleep you remain peaceful but You do not know the peace as you were not Conscious of yourself in deep sleep.

After the arrival of Consciousness also that peace is here!

But your Consciousness is yet to know the peace within as it is trapped by personality unknowingly!

Peace is ever here!

But it can be known only through Consciousness and not otherwise!

Now in spite of being Conscious of yourself you are yet to know the peace within as you are focusing attention only outside and not within!

Q: Does Consciousness Enter and Exit?

Know Consciousness is ever here!

It knows its presence only through a physical matrix called the form as ‘I amness’.

But for form, Consciousness cannot know its presence!

Hence form is needed for the Consciousness to know its presence.

Only through the form , in duality….peace is known !

But for form peace cannot be known though peace is ever here!

Hence duality is needed to know anything…including peace and joy.

Though you are the Observer already…!(Non dual)

Only through Conscious form (Dual) this ‘I amness’  is known !

In Non dual – nothing is needed.

In Dual – I am ness’ is known by Consciousness….at the form level.

Q: does Consciousness comes and goes?

First, know how this I am ness’ is known!

Awareness is always here!

Your presence is not known in Awareness!

Due to spontaneous elemental interactions, the physical form is created through which I am ness’ is known by Consciousness within!

Though Consciousness is everywhere… it knows its presence only through elemental interactions just now!

This elemental interactions are spontaneous.

Spontaneously you come to know that you exist as ‘I amness’ by Consciousness!


But for elemental interactions I am ness’ Consciousness cannot be known!

This knowing ‘I amness’ is by elemental interactions only!

Light is Consciousness!

Light is perceived as a matter only through a matrix called form!

Out of light, elements are created.. spontaneously….just now!

Created elements interact spontaneously at different combinations of permutations and perceived as entire manifestation within space just now!

My questions are :

How did you know that you exist?

How this form is created just now?

How long can you remain conscious of yourself?

You know that ‘you exist’ ‘ only through a form!

This form is created just now by
The spontaneous interaction of elements!

Your waking state is due to I am ness’ Consciousness only just now…!

How long can you remain Conscious of yourself?

Till sleep happens!

Once sleep happens what happens to your ‘I amness’ Consciousness?

All that you need to find out is from where Consciousness ‘ I am ness’ happen?

And where this Consciousness disappears as in deep sleep….?

Only in duality Consciousness knows itself as ‘I amness” !

But it wrongly identifies itself as a tiny form….and continues its dream at the form level….!

Only at the form level waking state, sleep state, dream state happen!

All these states are by Consciousness itself using the form !

Consciousness plays unknowingly through form level in duality as waking, sleep states….

Once Consciousness is Conscious of itself it starts waking up from its own dream through ‘I am ness’ and knows all is a dream only !

And knows that what comes and goes is only a dream! Not real!

Consciousness knows its Unborn Supreme richness!

By merging in its source totally by remaining conscious of itself …it transcends itself and knows its wholeness (Source, The Absolute!)

It says :
I am never born!
Only After knowing its non dual..!

In duality, it appears to come and go at the form level identity within a dream!

Coming and going is only a dream!

Not real!

You never come and go!

You are already the Observer!

The Supreme beyond dualities just now!

Better wake up consciously to know what you are exactly !

Will you?