You Are Already That

Dear GM, How can I know I’m not imagining all of this world of form, you, my family, everything?

October 4, 2022 | 398 views


With what Identity you are asking this question?

How do you know that you exist?

Can this question be asked if you are not conscious?

Know your ‘I am ness’ is not a person !

Your I am ness’ is Consciousness itself.!

You know that you exist only because of Consciousness…!

Your form is manifested just now in your Consciousness …!

You never know the Consciousness within… Hence asking this question…!

Are you a form?

If you are only the form…tell me… How the form is manifested now!

Do you make any effort for the same?

Your form just happens in Space… Just Now…!

How do you know the form?

Can your form be known if you are not conscious?

Know this :

First you are conscious of yourself as ‘I am ness’…!

In your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only every form appears including your form…!

Not only your form and all forms… But entire manifestation within space Viz…cosmos, Universe, World…etc.,are manifested in your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness only just now.!

You might find it difficult to accept my teaching as long as you hold on to be a person with fixed identities….!

You will accept my teachings only when you are conscious of yourself by going inwardly beyond words…where there is infinite peace….!

I address my talks only to Consciousness within…!

Without which there is neither yourself nor world here.

Your question is : How can I know I am not imagining all of this…..all of world of form …you, my family, everything…

Close your eyes first.

Know the peace within.

Don’t you know that you exist ?

Even without words?

This knowing your presence directly without words is your Consciousness which is ‘I am ness’…   just now.!

You know that you exist directly on your own!

This knowing is direct.!

Isn’t it?

It is not an imagination.

Imaginations are not you!

You are prior to imaginations.

Whatever perceived here as world, family…everything in space are exclusively manifested by your Consciousness just now!

Consciousness is your direct knowing…

Consciousness is not a person…!

Consciousness is prior to form!

Forms happen out of your Consciousness!

What do you call as imagination here?

You are the Observer already …. observing all that happen in Conscious field by Consciousness just now!

You never remain Conscious of yourself…!

Only by abiding in Consciousness consistently you know that you are already the Observer only .!

Know that every creation within space is manifested by your Consciousness just now.

Light is your Consciousness!

Out of light…
electrons…. elements happen spontaneously just now…
in no time and zillions of objects are created in space just now…!


In your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only.!

Entire manifestation is by light itself due to play of elements within light….!

When entire manifestation within space is by light itself…

Who Observes here other than you?

You are the Observer already!The Observer is Unchanging, Unmoving…… And Ever Present!

Unknowingly your Consciousness identifies itself as a tiny form as it is not aware of the immense potential of this Consciousness within just now.!

So asking this question as your Consciousness is conveniently sleeping through personality….!

Better remain Conscious and wake up to know that you are only the Observer just now beyond dualities prior to dream at the personality level.

Know you are conscious at present.!

In your Consciousness only everything is manifested spontaneously… just now.!

By being conscious of yourself …your Consciousness wakes up spontaneously from the perceived dream and knows that You are already the Observer, Ever present and nothing ever happens to you!

Wake up from the duality consciously.! and know that You are Non dual Already!

Will you?