You Are Already That


May 11, 2022 | 440 views

The form is only a conscious form!

It is only Consciousness that functions through the form!

The form appears only due to Consciousness!

Form cannot happen but for Consciousness!

Each and every cell of the form is by Consciousness itself!

Form and Consciousness are not separate.

In your Consciousness only form happens just now!

First, You are conscious of yourself as ‘I am ness’ without words.

In your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only form appears now!

Instead of focusing attention on your ‘I am ness’ …your Consciousness is trapped by accepting that it is a form only and never knows it is prior to form.

By accepting the form as itself not knowing it is only using the form, your consciousness is continuously trapped at the form level identity.

Dream happens only at the form level!

Once your Consciousness is conscious of itself and starts knowing the stillness within…then it starts waking up from the form level dream….!

Only upon waking up totally from the form level Identity, your Consciousness knows it is never born and ever present!

The form by Consciousness is useful not only to know your existence as ‘ I am ness’… But also to know what you are exactly …i.e…The wholeness, the Ultimate reality beyond duality just now!