You Are Already That

Question & Answers

Namaste GM, Is there any path needed for Realization?

April 28, 2022 | 369 views |

GM: There is no need of any path! You are already in your destination.! In your Original state, Unmoving, Unchanging, Ever present.! You only perceive.! But unknowingly you are caught

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Beloved GM, In deep silence everything is dissolved. Then who identifies….Who ‘I am’ ?

April 23, 2022 | 316 views |

GM:  Know…First.! This 'I am' knowing….!  your direct knowing that 'You Exist' is by Consciousness itself. Though you are in deep silence inwardly you are able to hear the sound

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Beloved GM, Why is my consciousness still not awakened despite me setting camp in ‘I am’ consciousness all the time?

April 21, 2022 | 327 views |

GM: This question is certainly by your Consciousness itself! You say you are stabilizing in 'I am ness' itself.... Once your Consciousness is Conscious of itself then it starts waking.....

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Beloved GM, If I am consciousness, why am I identified with mind and body?

April 13, 2022 | 401 views |

GM: You are Conscious already!!! Or else how can you ask the question? It is your Consciousness asking this question as it is not aware of itself. First you become

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Namaste GM, In my part, What is the basic Requirement for this Inner journey?

April 9, 2022 | 397 views |

GM: You require nothing in this inner journey to know your Supreme reality! You are already 'what you are' !  You are in your Original Supreme state Already! This you

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Beloved GM, Why and how this Consciousness is disturbed by its own play?

April 2, 2022 | 364 views |

GM: In the source of Awareness, consciousness spontaneously arises, creates space in which entire manifestations appear spontaneously by the interaction of elements just now! Consciousness functions through entire manifestation within

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Beloved GM, When you say consciousness, you do not mean the mind? Do you? Mind happens within consciousness, isn’t it? And consciousness isn’t limited to the mind or body, correct? Consciousness ‘contains’ everything isn’t it?

March 30, 2022 | 428 views |

GM: Yes. Consciousness is Unlimited!  Infinite! I  don't use the word mind but thought. Thoughts happen in your consciousness. Thoughts are not you. At present you are Consciousness. Body, thoughts

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Dear GM, “In deep sleep you remain peaceful, after the arrival of Consciousness you miss the peacefulness” – From this quote Does Consciousness Enter & Exit ? The Observer is unmoving ! Then how this Consciousness Comes – Goes? I could not understand the statement . Please explain.

March 26, 2022 | 323 views |

GM: First know you are the Observer always! Nothing never happens to you! Whatever that appears to happen is only within space after the arrival  of  Consciousness as 'I amness'...!

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Beloved GM, at the most I can remain Conscious, nothing is in my hands, is it not?

March 24, 2022 | 362 views |

GM: Know you are beyond Consciousness Always, The Ultimate, Supreme..! You are ever present here....never born...! See how you are caught by this Conscious 'I am' now...and asking this question

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Beloved GM, you are saying no truth in the field of Consciousness, but you emphasize Consciousness! Can you clarify on this?

March 16, 2022 | 392 views |

GM: Can this question be asked if you are not Conscious? You are Conscious at present ! It is your Consciousness asking this question it is trapped by personality...!

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