You Are Already That

Question & Answers

Dear Master, If I abide in stillness constantly, how do I know whether I am doing right or wrong in my external activities? Kindly clarify.

June 11, 2022 | 453 views |

GM: What is stillness? The unmoving, unchanging peace within! This stillness is unending ....! This stillness has no boundaries...! This stillness is prior to form ..! Every form happens out

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Beloved GM, What is the best way of helping “Others” in this world of illusion? Can I help a member of my family to Awaken?

June 8, 2022 | 387 views |

GM: This question is certainly at the personality level.! Where is the other? Your worry about others shows that you are still at the personality level. Where do all forms

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Beloved GM, After knowing that I’m consciousness and prior to form, it doesn’t stay permanently. I have to remind myself about it. Why and what is to be done, if at all any thing to be done?

June 4, 2022 | 468 views |

GM: Have you known that you are Consciousness only? Once it is known then no need to remind about it.! How to know that you are Consciousness only at present?

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Beloved GM, My close friends and relatives lost their lives due to COVID Infection. I am more depressed to live without them. Can you help me to come out of my depression?

June 1, 2022 | 477 views |

GM: Entire humanity is like this! As they do not know what this Consciousness is which plays the trick and make you believe all is real! Nobody never born! Consciousness

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Beloved GM, “Prior to knowledge” – Could you please explain more on this ?

May 25, 2022 | 441 views |

GM: You are already prior to knowledge! What is knowledge? Some details about any object, any happenings. First of all, how do you know anything? What is the principle without

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Beloved GM, by knowledge I know what that state is? But experience wise still I feel like a baby. I am walking on this path for nearly 11 yrs. Now itself when I close my eyes I feel like a new beginner, why?

May 21, 2022 | 513 views |

GM: You are already That and always That.! You cannot be anything else other than that supreme!! Your fall begins with the beginning of Consciousness knowing itself as ‘I am’

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Dear GM, what will happen to my relationship with my loved ones once I awake and realize my true nature?

May 14, 2022 | 386 views |

GM: With what Identity you are asking this question? Certainly at the personality level only. Do you ever know that you are Consciousness only at present.? In your 'I amness'

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Dear GM, Are there two things then… One prior to consciousness and consciousness itself?

May 12, 2022 | 383 views |

GM: You, the observer alone prevail here forever! The observer is prior to Consciousness! You are beyond Consciousness already! You never knew it! Consciousness arises out of the awareness and

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Beloved GM, When we are in deep sleep how do questions arise?

May 7, 2022 | 341 views |

GM: Now you assume that you are awake. But to me still you are in deep sleep only. Your Consciousness is still sleeping though your eyes are open. My talks

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Beloved GM, What is the difference between response & reaction? To be silent & witness the activities….Is it possible in practical life in this world?

April 30, 2022 | 372 views |

GM: Your question is at the personality level. Once you are conscious of yourself through stillness.... then you know it is possible right now! How to be conscious of yourself?

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