You Are Already That

GM, Can you explain, ‘Who am I’ ?

January 9, 2022 | 581 views



You are The Ultimate Supreme!

You never born, never die!

You are ever present here!

You are The Absolute just now!  Yet to know !

Nothing never happens to you!

You are in your original Supreme state already!

Still how you are asking now,  ‘Who am I’ ?

This question happens as you are yet to know your supreme richness!

Now you are conscious of yourself!

Is it not?

Otherwise, this question cannot happen.

But your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is trapped by personality identity…

So it is asking  ‘who am I’?  unknowingly!

First your Consciousness which is conditioned itself as a person should uncondition itself and know it is Consciousness only at present!

By accepting itself as a personality, it accepts birth and death as real and struggles throughout not knowing it is Consciousness only in which the form happens just now!

Basically, this question is by Consciousness as it is accepting itself as a tiny form with imposed labels….

Consciousness is beyond identification.

But it accepts all that is perceived in space as real as it is yet to know itself!

The first step is this ‘I am ness’ Consciousness has to know it is Consciousness only at present.

This can be known by closing eyes and knowing the stillness within.

In this stillness,  Consciousness knows its presence and knows it is beyond boundaries….
and all forms perceived in space.

By knowing the stillness within, your Consciousness comes to know that it is prior to form,
prior to space and prior to entire manifestation within space!

Now Consciousness knows that it is prior to all movements in space.

Every movement happens only by Consciousness within!

First your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness comes to know that it is Consciousness only at present.

This is only the first step towards knowing its wholeness, the Ultimate reality beyond dualities.

Now your consciousness which happens for a shorter duration say morning 5 am or so till night 10 pm or so should know from where it arises and where it merges back …that is its source must be known….

Then only it remains complete.

First Consciousness comes to know that ‘I am ness’ is only Consciousness and not a person.

This knowing Consciousness as Consciousness is only a beginning…

This knowing is not final!

Now this ‘I am ness’ Consciousness abides in stillness constantly and transcends itself and knows its source of Awareness….

Once it transcends itself it knows it is The Absolute already!

Nothing never happens to it!

It knows it is never born.!

Where is the death for the one which is never born?

It knows it is ever present here!

It knows whatever that happen within conscious field in space are only a dream happening …
not real!

Now it is awakened totally and knows it is The Ultimate beyond dualities….
non dual…

Who am I’? Question is at the personality level by Consciousness.

Once Consciousness knows it is Consciousness only….then it is free from all that Perceived in space…
as it starts waking up inwardly by stabilizing in its source constantly….

Finally, Consciousness knows it is The Absolute!

Non dual….

Consciousness is the only key to the door of the Supreme!

Of course, there is no door! Supreme is ever here just now!

Consciousness locks itself through personality and remain unknown to itself!

Once Consciousness is conscious of itself, it unlocks itself from conditioned identities and remain open.

By remaining Conscious consistently, it transcends itself and knows its Supreme Reality!

Use this key Consciousness by remaining Conscious of yourself !

Abide in stillness constantly…

Your Consciousness will wake up from its manifested dream Consciously and knows its eternal, unlimited potential, ever here as the Absolute!

All that you need to find out ‘who you are’….is to use the key Viz… Consciousness constantly….

My teachings are of immense help to your Consciousness to wake up at the earliest to know ‘What you are exactly’! Just now!

All that needed is to wake up from your personality identity first…

Then know you are Consciousness Only at present…

And finally, your Consciousness knows its eternal source beyond dualities.

You are the Observer only!

Never the observed!

The Observer is never born!

Non dual!

The Observer is ever present!

You are That!