You Are Already That

Beloved GM….you say ‘the Observer is not the observed!’ …can you explain on this?

January 21, 2022 | 638 views

GM: You take the Observer to be the Observed…..that is why you need explanation for this.

What is observed here in space?
Just appearances and their movements…. only…

From where do they all appear just now?
In your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only!

But for your Consciousness neither space nor any objects here in space!
In your I am ness’ Consciousness only everything happens now!

When your Consciousness disappears in sleep there is neither world nor any manifestations here!

So where do all appear just now?

They all appear not somewhere but in your Consciousness just now!

This point should be noted deeply… Otherwise, you will miss the essence of my teachings!

Whatever observed are only from your I am ness’ Consciousness just now!

Your I am ness’ happens spontaneously by morning 5 or so and you know that you exist…. not earlier in sleep.

Your existence is known through I am ness’….. simultaneously world happens in your I am ness’ only.

All that observed in space are by your Consciousness only.

My question is:

Are all that appear in space remain permanent?
Where do they all go once you are no more conscious of yourself?

Are not all that Observed in space depend on your Consciousness?

When your I am ness’ Consciousness itself is known only for a shorter duration say from morning 5 or so till sleep happens…..

Then, this ‘I am ness’ which appears and disappears only displays whatever that appear in space as world, cosmos etc.,

Your ‘I am ness’ and its manifested objects appear in your waking state and disappear in your sleep state.

Can that which appear and disappear be real?

When all that observed are not real…..
What is real here in space?

Who is the Observer of all that appear and disappear?

Why don’t you find out the Observer in you right now?

And know you are only the Observer and not the Observed..!

My question is who is the Observer of all that Observed ?

Your Consciousness is trapped by personality unknowingly and never knows it is Consciousness only at present.

Your Consciousness identifies itself as a form and accepts all that perceived in space as real till it knows itself!

Your consciousness is trapped at the form level never knowing all that perceived are only a dream happening and not real ….!

There is no remedy at the form level identity.

Your Consciousness should know that it is Consciousness only through stillness.

Then it knows all that perceived in space as objects are nothing but the reflections of light within!

It is only Light….. reflected in space as all objects perceived now!

There is no reality in whatever perceived in space like the dream objects.

Then your Consciousness stops giving reality to all that perceived in space and transcends itself totally into its source of Awareness and knows the wholeness!
It is The Observer only!
And remain unbothered about all play happenings in space as they are nothing but an unreal dream!

By knowing its wholeness,
it knows it is the ever present Observer only!
It has nothing to do with the observed contents in space as it knows its beyondness prior to birth and death duality…..!

The observer is non dual!

The Observer is never born!
Ever present!

The observer is the source of Consciousness!

Only a film play is going on in the screen of space by Consciousness spontaneously…….as world, cosmos, all appearances…..and none of the scenes are real…..!

All time your Consciousness which was sleeping conveniently at the form level identity taking the dream objects to be more real…..!

Now wakes up by abiding in stillness consistently and transcends itself beyond space and
knows it is only the Observer prior to all dream happenings in space and nothing has never happened to the Observer!

The Observer is ever present prior to space!

All that appear to happen in space are not real and only a dream….
Never real….!

Now tell me,

How you the Observer prior to Consciousness get caught by the play and identify yourself as the object to say that the observer is the observed?

Your Consciousness has to know what it is exactly! As it is yet to wake up!

Till it knows its source, wholeness…!
it is trapped by the dream play consistently.*

Better wake up Consciously and
Know your wholeness beyond duality…

Know you are only the Observer right now!

Nothing has never happened to you!

You are already total, complete and perfect!

You, the Observer alone prevail here!

The Observer is prior to dream!
Whatever Observed are only a dream!

Now do you know…Why I say, ‘The Observer is not the Observed..?’