You Are Already That

Beloved GM, You say, “That Stillness is only the beginning…” What do you mean by this? What is beyond Stillness?

April 7, 2023 | 379 views


GM: First know that you are Consciousness only at present..

In your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only everything is perceived just now!

Your Consciousness does not know that it is Consciousness only at present.

Unnecessarily it is trapped at the personality level of identity as it is always identifying all the outer happenings to be more real… by not going inwardly…

Only when your Consciousness goes Inwardly… it knows that it is Consciousness only….!

By closing eyes your Consciousness knows the stillness within.!

This stillness cannot be underestimated as it Contains all that perceived in space in a nascent stage.

This Stillness is Unmoving… Unchanging….!

You find Peacefulness in this Stillness.

This Stillness is not moving…

Every movement begins in Stillness only just now.!

In this Stillness…there is no movement…
So the frequency of movement is Nil…in Stillness.

Whereas every movement in space begins from this Stillness only.

This you can know by abiding in Stillness consistently….and Observing Silently…

I say this Stillness is only the beginning of Consciousness and not the end…

My question is who is the Observer of this Stillness within?

The Observer is beyond Stillness…just now.!

You are asking :
What is beyond Stillness?

The Absolute Observer is prior to Stillness.

The Absolute Observer is Non Dual…!

The Observer Observes the Stillness within…as well all the Sound and movements that happen in space silently.

The Observer is prior to Consciousness.!

Light is Consciousness!

Stillness is only the beginning of Consciousness within.!

Stillness indicates the light within!

The Observer is the Source of Light itself!

You are That.!

You get to know your Supreme Reality beyond duality only through stillness…

Hence knowing the Consciousness is most important in this inner journey…

Only through Stillness your Consciousness starts waking up…

Better know the stillness within and Observe Silently to know the Absolute Observer in you just now.!

Will you?
