You Are Already That

Beloved GM, You say “Consciousness is entertaining you Constantly.” But I see more violence happening in day today life. Is this the way of entertainment by Consciousness?

August 15, 2022 | 330 views


You see a movie on a screen…

It appears to be real only.

But they are nothing but a reflection of light only.

Even now whatever perceived within space is nothing but a reflection of light within.

Till light is known you take everything to be real only.

You are only an Observer of the movie …

Can you take any scene over the screen to be more real?

Is it not an entertainment over the screen?

Once you become conscious of yourself, the movie begins…

As the entire manifestation is nothing but the reflection of light within…

The light is Consciousness!

But you are more than Consciousness!

The source of light!

You, the Observer prevail prior to Consciousness!

Nothing is happening!

Whatever happens is only by the light within!

But for light, there is nothing here!

Neither reflection nor manifestations!

There are never any persons !

All by Consciousness itself.

In your Consciousness only everything appears, happens, functions and disappears too.!

But for your Consciousness, there is nothing here!

You see a movie in which all people were burnt.

Is the screen also got burnt?

It is the same thing here.

You the Observer remain unaffected throughout…

It is Consciousness which functions through the entire manifestation…

Never any Person here!

It is Consciousness which is stuck at the personality level taking perceived to be more real as it accepts the form as itself.

Once Consciousness is conscious of itself it remains unbothered about the perceived.

Rather it closes eyes and starts observing inwardly to know the Observer within.

You are not what you perceive!

You are the Perceiver already.

This can be known only by closing eyes and abiding in stillness.

Gradually your Consciousness starts waking up as it starts knowing its beyondness!

Consciousness uses the form but it is more than the form.

Once Consciousness abides in stillness steadily then it wakes up from the dream called manifestations and knows its eternity beyond birth and death and declares that it is never born.

Till then it is continuously trapped by the concept that it is born and has a constant fear of death too….though it is never born!

Now tell me, it is not a whole bundle of entertainment by Consciousness after waking up?

How it wakes up?

Only by remaining Conscious…..

Consciousness is conditioning itself as a personality and remains serious as long as it identifies itself as a person with a specific shape and mass.

Once Consciousness is conscious of itself it becomes brighter and starts waking up from the show and knows it is Awareness only…the Observer…and never the observed…

Better remain conscious and wake up from the dream…

Till then remain non serious about the perceived…

Then only Consciousness can wake up…

Seriousness shows identification…

Non seriousness shows non identification only…

Consciousness cannot remain serious!

It is non serious only throughout….

As everything perceived is constantly changing…it is a sheer entertainment only as nothing is real like a movie …

Better wake up and know!

I am here only to wake up your Consciousness which is trapped by personality.

Consciousness sleeps through personality!

Consciousness wakes up by remaining conscious of itself !

Till consciousness is known, you take everything to be more real.

Non Seriousness is Consciousness.

Seriousness is not Consciousness.

Know the Knower.!

All will be known.!

You prevail prior to the arrival of Consciousness.

You are always the Observer of all that happen!

Whatever changes are not you!

Consciousness knowing its eternity is the culmination of spirituality.

When are you going to give preference to yourself and get to know your Ultimate Wholeness?