You Are Already That

Beloved GM, you are saying no truth in the field of Consciousness, but you emphasize Consciousness! Can you clarify on this?

March 16, 2022 | 393 views

GM: Can this question be asked if you are not Conscious?

You are Conscious at present !

It is your Consciousness asking this question now….as it is trapped by personality…!

Q : You say no truth in the field of consciousness.

What is truth?

Can truth change itself often?

Can truth move here and there?

Can truth appear and disappear?

Can that which appear and disappear be the truth?

First, let me know what you mean by Truth?

Is it a word?

What you perceive in space is nothing but objects as appearances!

Do you know how they happen just now?

Can they happen if you are not conscious?

Do you ever know that Whatever perceived in the field of Consciousness is nothing but a reflection of light within?

Can there be any truth in the reflected objects?

Q : You emphasize Consciousness!

Of course!

What else can I do?

I know your consciousness is not conscious of itself and always trapped by objects in space!

You never know you are Consciousness at present!

You know your existence only through conscious form as ‘I am ness’ now!

Once you are conscious world happens simultaneously in your Consciousness!

But for your Consciousness neither world nor any manifestations here in space!

Light is Consciousness!

Now light knows its existence as ‘I am ness’ through the form by spontaneous elemental interactions just now!

Your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is the only Truth at present out of which entire manifestations happen spontaneously!

Your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is the source of entire manifestations within space!

Seed of entire manifestation is within this ‘I am ness’ !

Your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness unnecessarily now identifies itself as a form not knowing the Consciousness within!

Can a form happen if you are not Conscious?

The form appears only in your Consciousness just now!

Is it not?

Your Consciousness now unknowingly identifies itself as a form though it is prior to form!

I emphasize only on your Consciousness within just now!

By closing eyes, you know the peace within!

Stillness within!

I emphasize only on this stillness….!

Which is the beginning of your Consciousness.

Once you settle and stabilize in this stillness then you will not fall a prey to anything perceived in space!

Your Consciousness continues its dream at the form level identity which is not real!

Your Consciousness wakes up from the dream at the form level by being Conscious of itself.

Do you want to continue the dream?
Want to wake up from the dream?

How long ….are you going to fall a prey to all such unreal dreams ?

Can dreams give you peacefulness?

Only upon waking you feel relieved and not otherwise!

I help you to wake up from the dream perceived in Conscious field as I know they are not real!

I emphasize you to be conscious of yourself!


Only then your Consciousness wakes up from the unreal dream and knows its ever present eternity beyond birth and death…. Not while perceiving the so called dreams within space!

Because your Consciousness is always rooted in Awareness which is the source itself!

Once your Consciousness is conscious of itself it is Awareness only!

By abiding in stillness constantly your Consciousness wakes up from the manifested dream in space and knows its Ultimate richness beyond dualities!

Now tell me,

Do you want to continue the dream and remain struggled in the field of space by Consciousness ?

Is it not essential to wake up from the unreal dream at the earliest?

How can you wake up unless you are conscious of yourself?

Better know you are conscious only at present to wake up from the present dream itself!

Will you?