You Are Already That

Beloved GM , You are ready to give truth but I am half ready. You say “You are the observer…” It is difficult to accept. When you say, “You are Consciousness” I understand and accept. Why this half readyness?

March 19, 2022 | 397 views

I am not giving truth. Truth is not an object to be given!

Truth is your own subject.

You contain it already just now!

But you are unaware of it just now!

You are Consciousness just now.

But you remain as a person and approach me….saying you are half ready…

Only at the personality level, this type of incompleteness is felt…..

You want to remain as a person to know the observer in you!


You say you find difficult to accept that you are the observer.

Then tell me who is the observer all that is happening here?

Who observes your waking, dream and sleep states?

You, the Observer is the source of all that happen.

Can anything be observed here without the Observer?

You, the Observer prevail prior to Consciousness.

Whether Consciousness happens or not you prevail here forever!

This you never know!

Whether your eyes are open or closed observation happens just now!

The observer is prior to space!

Prior to Consciousness!

Prior to form!

Prior to words!

You can never know that you are the Observer by accepting yourself as a tiny form!

That is why you are made to close your eyes to know your immensity beyond limitations!

You say you accept that you are Consciousness!

Once you are conscious you stay beyond words …..and remain still inwardly…!

This stillness is rooted to the Observer !

By abiding in stillness you get to know the Observer!

At least now, know!

That your ‘half ready ness’ is at the personality level!

Your Consciousness remains incomplete by accepting itself as a tiny form!

Your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness knows its fullness only by merging in its source of Awareness!

Not until then!

Only through Consciousness you get to know your fullness!

Through personality you remain incomplete only!

Now, tell me! Whether you are half ready?


Totally free to be conscious to know the Observer within just now!