You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Why this Consciousness not recognizing itself as Consciousness? Are there any traps laid down before Consciousness? and what is the source of this Consciousness? Who is sustaining it?

March 1, 2023 | 398 views


First, know… That you are only Consciousness at present.

Your Consciousness never knows that it is Consciousness only…as it is identifying itself to be a form with fixed labels…

Consciousness knows it is Consciousness….only by going inwardly and not otherwise….

Once Consciousness knows the stillness within…then it starts waking up from the imposed personality oriented identifications……

Your question:
Are there any traps laid down before Consciousness?

First you are Conscious of yourself as ‘I am ness’…!

You know your presence without words…

You know that you exist…

This knowing is direct.!

Your knowing is self evident.!

Once you settle down in this…

Stillness beyond words… then your Consciousness cannot get trapped…by any imposed labels…

By not knowing the stillness within… your Consciousness is continuously trapped by all imposed labels…

Your Consciousness is unknowingly trapped by all imposed labels as it is not Conscious of itself…

Because your Consciousness is prior to words… prior to identifications and all imposed labels…..

Once your Consciousness is Conscious of itself….it is free from all identifications….. it is no more trapped by any such labels added to it…

You are asking:
What is the source of this Consciousness?

Awareness is the Source of your Consciousness.!

Awareness is ever present beyond duality.!

In Awareness neither Birth nor Death.!

Awareness is the Absolute Supreme Reality.!

From Awareness…. Consciousness happens….

In your Consciousness… entire manifestation happens just now.!

Awareness Observes.!

Consciousness manifests.!

Just now.!

Your question is:
Who is sustaining it?

There are no persons here.!

All forms are manifested by the light of your Consciousness only just now.!

All forms are only Conscious forms!

Every form is manifested by the light of your Consciousness.!

Every form is moving in the light of your Consciousness.!

Every form disappears in the light of your Consciousness.!

Entire manifested show within space is only by your Consciousness!

You are Conscious of yourself just now due to the elemental interactions….

But for elemental interactions… Conscious presence ‘I am ness’ cannot be known!

Everything begins from your Consciousness…

Happens in your Consciousness…

Disappears in your Consciousness…

Your Consciousness is the base for the entire world, cosmos and all appearances here….

But for your Consciousness, nothing is here in space..!

By going deeper inwardly you know that out of light only everything is reflected in space here…

Light is Consciousness..!

Out of the spontaneous interaction of quarks…photons..electrons… elements…Entire Manifestation happens here in space and there are no persons here..!

All by Consciousness itself just now.!

Better go inward through stillness and know..!

Without going Inwardly neither the Stillness nor the secret about the world and the manifested objects in space can be known.!

Abide in stillness and know.!
