You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Why is my consciousness still not awakened despite me setting camp in ‘I am’ consciousness all the time?

April 21, 2022 | 327 views

GM: This question is certainly by your Consciousness itself!

You say you are stabilizing in ‘I am ness’ itself….

Once your Consciousness is Conscious of itself then it starts waking…..

Now you are conscious of yourself and everything around you….

Now your Consciousness is awake only!

You start knowing the peace and joy also within now!

Knowing the stillness is only the beginning of your Consciousness…!

Only now your Consciousness is conscious of itself and is free from all imposed concepts…

Once you are conscious you remain conscious of your actions and remain unconcerned about any happening outside in space!

In deep sleep you do not know that you exist!

Only upon the arrival of Consciousness you know that you exist without words!

Your I am ness’ Consciousness itself is a spontaneous happening by the spontaneous interaction of elements just now!

How do you know that you exist?

Is it not bcoz of the form ?

How the form happens now?

Is it not due to interaction of elements now?

Your knowingness
‘I am ness’ is due to elemental interaction only!

But for elemental interactions neither your I am ness’ nor any manifestations as world, cosmos, any form here!

Your I am ness’ – contains – entire manifestations – universe, cosmos, world, all living beings all that perceived in space including space itself!

Once you close your eyes……‘ I am ness’ that is trapped by personality with labels is free from all such identifications!

Now your ‘I am ness’ contains space within!

This space is filled with peace!

You know the peace within!

Now your I am ness’ Consciousness starts waking up from the so called manifested dreams such as form and all imposed identifications …

That is why you know the peace within!

Once your Consciousness is free from form identity and other imposed identifications… Now it knows itself as ‘I am ness’….without words…which is Stillness!

This stillness contains the seed of entire manifestation within!

The more you abide in stillness constantly…the more your Consciousness is merging in its source of Awareness itself!

Now you know…!

Peace which is infinite..!

Joy which is endless..!

Even when eyes are open you know the peace and joy inwardly consistently…..

Q: why is my Consciousness still not awakened ?

It already starts awakening ….!

It has started merging in its source!

Now…you cannot bother when your Consciousness will awaken…!

As your Consciousness is prior to time…!

You are in timelessness now once your Consciousness is merging in its source!

Just attend work consciously…

Remain non serious about any happening in space!

Focus attention inwardly without words by closing eyes….!

Once you are in timelessness…you are already one with the source like how you were in deep sleep…

In timelessness….this question cannot happen…

In timelessness … your Consciousness does not require anything at all…

Your Conscious presence is more than enough!

When you are enough unto yourself……………

What else is needed than your conscious presence ?

Once you are totally content with yourself….your Consciousness merges totally into its source…..and transcends itself…

And knows its deathlessness !

It knows it is the Absolute!

Nothing never happens here!

Whatever that perceived in space were only a dream at the form level!

Your Consciousness is fully awakened only when it knows its deathlessness!

And says it is never born!

Now your Consciousness has started waking up….your inner waking has begun..

Still, your Consciousness is yet to transcend the perceived dream…

Now you know that whatever perceived are constantly changing and no truth in any of them!

Your focus is now inward…to know the Observer prior to dualities….!

To know you are only the Observer – Non dual..!

You stabilize inwardly constantly…!

Observe silently all that happen in space as a spontaneous play happening..!

Once your Consciousness is in timelessness ….then it is merging in its source constantly….

You are already the Supreme right now!

To know this your consciousness has to wake up totally!

To wake up totally from the perceived unreal dream…!

Just Observe in stillness!

Stillness is the way to the Supreme!

Stillness is beyond movement!

Stillness is unmoving, unchanging..!

In stillness, nothing moves!

In stillness neither form nor thoughts or any movements!

In constant stillness …spontaneously your Consciousness wakes up totally from the perceived form level dream and knows its eternity forever beyond dualities!

Be still ….and Observe!

Nothing happens here!

Spontaneously your Consciousness wakes up totally!

Never be in a hurry!

Just Relax….!

Your Consciousness wakes up totally only through constant relaxation inwardly and not otherwise!

Just Relax inwardly right now!

In utter relaxation, it happens…!