You Are Already That

Beloved GM Why is Consciousness distracted and always interested in Objects and Ideas?

May 19, 2023 | 299 views


Because it is conditioned itself as an object though it is beyond an object and the very source of all objects.

Consciousness never knows it is Consciousness only!

It never knows itself!

Consciousness first accepts itself as a form though it is prior to form.
This is the basic mistake.

Consciousness only uses the form but it never knows it. What a pity!
Not knowing itself.

Consciousness is beyond objects and Ideas…
It never knows it!

Consciousness never knows its priority!

Consciousness never knows that without this Consciousness there is neither the world nor any manifestations.

Having known….. will it fall a Prey to all such things that appear to happen?

Only forms appear and disappear in Consciousness!

Consciousness is ever here!

This also Consciousness never knows!

Consciousness is totally trapped by the false personality and never knows that it is Consciousness only.

Your consciousness is convenient with the imposed concepts. So it Never Wakes Up!

Only realized can wakeup your Consciousness.

When your Consciousness is not willing to wake up inspite of realized teachings it shows that your Consciousness is not Conscious of itself.

Consciousness is not a word!
Know this first!
It is beyond words.

The more you are silent and abide in stillness your Consciousness starts knowing its immense potential.

Till then it is distracted and shows interest in objects and ideas.
