You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Why does sleep break Consciousness? Is knowledge ‘I am’ only a memory?

June 29, 2022 | 325 views

GM: Sleep, dream and waking state happen spontaneously one after the other….!

You are none of these..!

Why do you bother?

You are asking why sleep breaks Consciousness?

As if sleep is already there waiting for consciousness to break….Is not so..?

Conscious presence is absent in sleep…!

Spontaneously a ray of light happens and the so-called dream figures appear and move in sleep dream….then again sleep…happens.

Then ‘ I am ness’ appears in waking state due to elemental interaction….this cycle goes on……

We discuss this in space only…

All happen in space only..!

Space is Consciousness…!

Space cannot be broken…!

It is not a solid thing….!

Consciousness is no more felt in sleep… !

Understand sleep happens..!

That is all….!

It cannot break Consciousness as there is no doer…!

All appear and disappear spontaneously by the elemental play….!

Know that this Conscious  ‘I am ness’ itself happens due to elemental interactions only..!

‘I am ness’  is there as long as an interaction of elements happen..!

It goes off once elements stop interacting….!

Here all happen by itself spontaneously….!

Sleep happens spontaneously…

when elements don’t interact.

Elements do not know when they interact…!

‘I am ness’ do not know when it happens, when it disappears…!

All functioning goes on spontaneously as there is no doer… !

All by the elemental play of Consciousness only…!

You cannot give any reason here, as there is no person doing it voluntarily….!

All just happen.. !

Including your breathing and heartbeat and other metabolic activities…

You are the Observer of the sleep, the dream and the waking state.

Then why do you bother whether sleep happens or dream happens or not…?

You are asking,

Is knowledge ‘I am’ only a memory…?

This clearly shows still you are holding onto personality…..!

This knowledge ‘I am ‘ is not a memory..!

Rather a memory exists in your  ‘I am ness’ Consciousness..!

You become Conscious of your existence through this  direct knowing that ‘You Exist’ without words…..!

This is the beginning of Consciousness..!

This ‘ I am ness’ is your primary knowledge..!

What do you mean by memory?

The knowledge received from outside…

Is it not?

These knowledge are not you….!

You are separate from the knowledge received.!

Received knowledge only… stored…as a memory….!

Where it gets stored other than your ‘ I am ness’?

If you are not Conscious, can you receive knowledge?

Once ‘I am ness’ is there… whatever you see, hear…

All perceived events…are automatically photographed, recorded and stored in your ‘I am ness’.!

It has the potential of reproducing all recorded events in a sequence…!

But you cannot call this ‘I am ness’ as a memory..!

Memory exists…in your ‘ I am ness’.!

Unless you are conscious, how can you receive further knowledge?

Here I mention this stillness in you as ‘I am’…… not words such as I am so and so….!

This stillness contains the seed of entire universe and manifests itself as world, cosmos etc..

Its potential is creations only..!

It creates forms …your form and all forms are created by this ‘I am ness’.!

Just Now.!

But for form, where is the memory?

So, In your ‘I am ness’ only forms, memory, world…all exist..!

But for your ‘I am ness’ nothing is here..!

Why not you focus attention on your ‘I am ness’?

And stabilize there?

Why bother about memory?

‘I am ness’ uses memory recorded when it is essential…!

But I am ness’ is not a memory..!

Memory is just your assistant..!

It helps you..!

You are the Master as ‘I am ness’ Consciousness! without which memory cannot exist!

Memory is just your servant.!

It helps for your survival…

Make use of it when essential….!

Rest of the time….

Just settle in your ‘I am ness’ itself…and see whether sleep happens…..Or break Consciousness….!