You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Why are my thoughts sometimes quieter that I cannot even watch them rise. I know it is Consciousness’s play. But sometimes it is eerily quiet in meditation and even breathing is imperceptible. What is happening?

July 2, 2022 | 376 views

GM: First, know that thoughts are not you.!

You prevail always..!

You know your presence through this conscious knowing’ I am ness’ ……!

In your ‘I am ness’ whole manifestation is created..!

Just Now..!

Your Consciousness is the highest as far as this manifestation is concerned….!

But you fall a prey to thoughts which do not have a dwelling place… !

They simply appear, move and disappear in your ‘ I am ness’ only….!

Where do thoughts happen?

In your ‘ I am ness’ only…. !

You prevail prior to thoughts….!

Then why bother?

When you are totally focused in your Conscious ‘I am’ itself in stillness, these thoughts disappear slowly as their nature is movement….!

In your meditation all these moving thoughts with highest speed lose their frequency gradually and become weaker and weaker…. And finally disappear….


In your ‘ I am ness’ itself….!

So, when your meditation is going deeper and deeper thoughts lose their frequency and come to a standstill…. where frequency is zero….!

Thoughts cannot happen when you are conscious fully…here, now.!

Thoughts do not exist, now.!

They take you either to the non-existing past or future which is yet to happen…..!

When you live totally, consciously…. Here, now….

Only Consciousness functions with full vitality…!

This Consciousness is bubbling out of joy…!

Flowers blooming…

Here, Now…!

River flowing Here, Now….!

Birds singing Here, Now…!

Your breathing is Here, Now…!

Heartbeat is

Here, Now…!

All enzymatic reactions are Here, Now….!

Once you are in tune with

Here, Now…with no expectation…. thoughts cannot happen..!

Your consciousness guides you…!

It functions through your form, it gives you food..

It digests the food taken and makes you more alive every moment..!

When you know all functions are by consciousness…itself…!

You wonder and become wordless out of gratitude…to the universal consciousness which takes care of your form continuously….!

You don’t find words to show your gratefulness except to remain in stillness and Observe..!

This is the only grateful attitude.!

But you never bother about Consciousness and how its functions….!

you are more bothered about thoughts which appear for some time and go off….!

Thoughts do not exist when you are fully Conscious….!

Why worry about thoughts which do not exist?

Worry about your consciousness which has come now…!

Because of which you get to collect so much knowledge and struggle too… due to knowledge….!

The only solution is to find out ……

Why this Consciousness happens..?

How it happens..?

Where it happens..?


In the process of investigation, you come to know the entire details about this Consciousness….!

When your consciousness merges in Consciousness itself at the point from where ‘I am ness’ arises, you will get answers spontaneously….!

You say even breathing is imperceptible…!

It is a good sign….!

The more you go deeper in your consciousness….
breathing becomes lesser and lesser….
movement becomes slower and slower….
as all movements are moving slowly towards non movement…
unmoving, unchanging, immutable reality Which is Awareness..!

Once your consciousness totally dissolves in Awareness….

You know your Supreme richness…

Not until then..!

Better remain conscious….and know..!

It is Here, only..!

All movements in Consciousness slowly become non movement in meditation….!

Don’t be fearful…

It is a great significant improvement in your Consciousness towards its source …!

Don’t stop anywhere….!

Just Be!

I am here always..!

Why fear?

When I am here..!