You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Why and how this Consciousness is disturbed by its own play?

April 2, 2022 | 365 views


In the source of Awareness, consciousness spontaneously arises, creates space in which entire manifestations appear spontaneously by the interaction of elements just now!

Consciousness functions through entire manifestation within space and merges back in its source of Awareness!

Entire play happenings is where ?

Within space!

Consciousness prior to space, now creates space and it comes to know itself as ‘I am’  through the form….

But wrongly identifies itself as a form not knowing it is Consciousness only!

By accepting itself as a form, it accepts birth and death as real within space!

Consciousness never knows it is consciousness prior to space, prior to form….

See how it is trapped by the form identity as real by not knowing it is Consciousness only at present.

To know that it is beyond space, beyond form, it has to close eyes and go deeper within …. And abide in stillness. 

Then it knows….

With eyes open it accepts all that perceived within space are real.

The dream begins within space!

All that appear to happen within space are only a dream happening!

You, the Observer, prevail prior to all happening….

You are beyond space!

You only perceive all that happens within space like a movie on a screen.

Can any movie on a screen be real?

Similarly here, a big non stop movie goes on ….within space….. throughout your waking state.

Your Consciousness accepts every scene to be real as it does not know itself.

Once Consciousness knows itself, it remains free from the show perceived.

Till then it remains perturbed.

It is better your Consciousness wakes up at the earliest and know itself!

And remain free from the perceived show.