You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Whether I have to reach to the truth or truth will reveal itself to me?

June 21, 2022 | 446 views

GM: You are already That!

And always That!

How can you reach your truth when you are already That?

You can only know what untruth is…!

At present your only capital is ‘ I am ‘ Consciousness…!

This ‘ I am’ Consciousness unknowingly caught by all sorts of concepts including that it is born…. Now, this ‘ I am ‘ Consciousness seeks truth about itself within entire space here and there….and finally ends up only in frustration…!

Even if this Consciousness searches for millions of years, it cannot find the truth outside anywhere within space as it contains the truth within always.!

Realized says
‘Go Within!’

When your consciousness understands what the realized says… then very quickly it goes inwards and finds out the truth about itself..!

or else

It ignores realized one’ s sayings and again trapped by the outside world saying I have more responsibilities, this…. and that….as lame excuses and never finds out the truth about itself….!

One has to take responsibility towards oneself only….!

How can one take responsibility for the other as all exist only in your Consciousness….?

You are responsible for whatsoever you are..!

Now this Consciousness has to discover the truth about itself….


First, it should not identify itself as imposed labels…!

It should know firmly, it is only Conscious and not anything else….!

Then it remains Concious continuously….

Till it knows its source….

after merging in source…

it disappears in source…

and  knows that it is never born, ever present….!

Till then it assumes it is born and it is going to die…..!

Not knowing birth and death are dreams only…!

Now, at the awareness level, there is nothing called truth or untruth…!

Only at the conscious level, these terms are used…!

Consciousness unknowingly accepts all as real……

Till it knows its source..!

So, it is for the Consciousness to know what is untruth…!

Then only it can merge in source till then it is caught by its own creative play….!

With what Identity you are asking this question?

What do you call as truth…?

What you perceive is only a reflection of light, not real but appear real..!

Then which truth you are searching here?

You do not know what truth is…. because

You are Already That…!

You can only know what untruth …is!

Which appears and disappears….!

This too cannot be known as long as you move outside here and there….!

Only by going inward, you will know the meaning of entire manifestations….

Which is temporary…and why it happens?

As long as you refuse to go inward, it is impossible to know the untruth and even if you roam for millions of years, you can never know….!

Once the content of Consciousness dissolves in Awareness…then, only Awareness is here always…..!

Now….tell me,

What is truth?

How can you reach the truth when you are already That?

You are asking

‘Whether truth reveals itself to me?’

What else I am doing here?

I say, ‘ Go inward, stay Here, settle Here, stabilize Here’….!

Do you understand the meaning of these words from the Ultimate?

Enter inward..! I am Here..!

You are fearful to enter… As your falsities will get dissolved once you enter.!

You want to be intact with falsities and want to know the truth simply by living outside ….

Is it possible…?

I am here only to wake up your sleeping Consciousness and asking your consciousness to merge in Me, Otherwise….

How will you know Me?

Better remain conscious and merge here, now in Me, as I am always Here, Now…!

You cannot miss Me…!

I am here forever…!

When one reads…each sentence should penetrate deeply within…as I am talking to your sleeping Consciousness to wake up..!