You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Wherever I go search for peace, Silence… everyone says learn meditation. What is the connection between peace and meditation? Why should I meditate?

January 12, 2022 | 387 views

GM: Meditation is only to know the stillness within!

Your Consciousness is stuck at the personality level!

Hence it accepts all as real including your form!

It goes on accumulating thoughts by accepting all that perceived as real.

Your Consciousness never knows it is Consciousness only within, beyond form!

You need to close your eyes to know the stillness within.

Though you are conscious at present you are continuously trapped by non existing past and future and struggle much!

Hence meditation is needed.

Meditation is required only at the personality level.

At the Conscious level, You know you exist without words.

You know the stillness within.

Once stillness is known,
Where is the need to meditate?

Once stillness is known,
your Conscious presence is known!

Meditation is only to remain conscious of yourself!

Once you are conscious of yourself through stillness,
Where is the need for meditation?

What is peace?
It is beyond words.
You know it by closing your eyes initially.

This peace is unmoving, unchanging.

This peace contains the seed of entire manifestation within space.

The potential of entire manifestation is within this peace .

Never underestimate this peace.

This peace is the beginning of your
‘I am ness’  Consciousness.

Entire manifestation arises out of it and merges back in it.

This peace contains entire space within.

When entire space is within this peace,
Whatever that appears also move within peace only including your form.

Your Consciousness never knows the peace within till it closes its eyes initially and starts observing inwardly.

Once your Consciousness knows the peace within,
it starts waking up from its manifested dream and knows its formless nature beyond boundaries.

What is the connection between peace and meditation? – is your question.

Peace is already there within which your consciousness is yet to know as it is trapped by more words!

Meditation is to go beyond words to know the peace within!

Meditation is the way ……to know the peace within!

Once peace is known meditation is not required.

You remain peaceful continuously both inwardly and outwardly.

This peace ( stillness – ‘I am ness’ Consciousness) is your subject!

Out of which all objects happen just now in space!

But you are beyond the subject and object….

You the Observer prevail prior to peace!

You only observe the peace just now!

Observe the peace constantly to know you are only the Observer beyond peace!

Know your beyondness just now!

Through meditation your Consciousness knows the peace within!

Through peace Consciousness merges in its source, transcends itself and knows it is the Observer only beyond dualities.

Now, you know what is peace? Why meditation is needed?

Is it not?