You Are Already That

Beloved GM, When we are in deep sleep how do questions arise?

May 7, 2022 | 342 views

GM: Now you assume that you are awake.

But to me still you are in deep sleep only.

Your Consciousness is still sleeping though your eyes are open.

My talks are addressed only to Consciousness which is within you without which there is neither the world nor any manifestations.

Waking does not mean that your eyes are open.

Though your eyes are open… still your Consciousness is sleeping inwardly.

I am waking up your Consciousness within… right now.

You assume that you are wakeful now with eyes open.

But I know still you are in deep sleep only… in this waking state too!

Even now, you are in deep sleep only… in this waking state though your eyes are open.
Now, you have so many questions on birth., life.,death., manifestations etc.,

All these questions are happening in deep sleep only as your Consciousness is yet to wake up.

Had your Consciousness Awakened….it knows the answer and remains Peaceful.

Your consciousness is complete only when it knows its fullness and its ever present eternity!

Your consciousness remains incomplete in this so called waking state as it does not know’ what It is! ‘ Exactly!

It is searching itself everywhere but within!

When Consciousness is incomplete it is in deep sleep only.

When Consciousness is complete and total, it is the real Awakening!

Once you are conscious of yourself and all actions are done consciously…!

Your consciousness starts waking up gradually.

Once you know the stillness within…. then your Consciousness starts waking up!

Till then you are all in deep sleep only in this so called waking state… though I are open.

That is why so many questions arise… on creation… happenings…and destructions.

Once you start abiding in stillness within…! you settle beyond words…!
All Words fail here!

Gradually… you will not find any question but complete peacefulness…!
Which is unending….and joyfulness too beyond words.

Better wake-up consciously and know that all actions are in deep sleep unknowingly…. and
Nothing has never happened to you the observer.

You prevail here forever in eternity!