You Are Already That

Beloved GM, when everything is in dream, we are all the Observer then who is asking questions to whom?

July 9, 2022 | 371 views


With what Identity you are asking this question?

I say, ‘you are the Observer, prior to dream happening…..and whatever perceived is also a dream only !’

The observer is prior to dream already!

This your Consciousness is yet to know as it is trapped by the imposed personality with fixed labels.

Now your consciousness accepts the form as real!

It is your consciousness which needs to wake up from the dream and know that it is the observer only beyond dream!

Can this question be asked If you are not Conscious?

In your consciousness only entire manifestations happen just now!

Your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness does not know what it is exactly!

It accepts all form as real and accept that it is born….though it is prior to dream.

What is a dream?

Is it not the happening of appearances within space ?

Whatever perceived within Conscious field is only a dream…not real!

In your dream (sleep state) everyone appears and moves here and there…..including yourself.

But where are they after you wakeup including yourself inside that dream?

You are yet to know that all forms perceived are nothing but the reflections of light within.

The dream begins with the beginning of your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness spontaneously!

And ends up once your I am ness’ Consciousness merges in its source .

The dream appears for a shorter duration say in the waking state from morning 5 or so till sleep happens in the night and in your sleep state for a shorter duration.

You know it is a dream…only upon waking up from the sleep… not while perceiving…

Similarly, in this waking state also you perceive the dream as real till your consciousness wakes up Consciously!

Only upon waking up Consciously from the dream you get to know that you are the observer of the dream and nothing has never happened to you though you appear to struggle within the dream.

You are asking’ Everything is in dream….you are the observer…..who is asking questions to whom?

You never know you are the observer unless you wake up from the dream.

You are asking this question inside the dream only.

Once you wake up from the dream you know that there is nothing here except you!

Not until then!

The observer is prior to Consciousness and its manifestations.

The Observer is non dual beyond manifestations and all divisions.

The Observer remain unbothered about the Consciousness and its manifested world as the observer knows there is no reality in it.

You are asking,

Who is asking Whom?

Is it not a personality identity?

Every question arises within a dream taking all to be real!

When Conscious is not conscious of itself question arises as the dream continues

Once your conscious is conscious of itself it abides in stillness and starts waking up from the dream called manifestation , world….and knows it is only the observer beyond the dream.

Once your consciousness is awakened it is Awareness, The Absolute, The Observer!

Till Consciousness is not concious of itself it identifies itself as a form and take every happening as a real one and asks, How? Why? When? Etc.,

So there are never any persons!

Only Consciousness in ignorance takes the dream as real and asks questions!

Awakened Consciousness cannot ask any question as it knows that light is the source of all Forms, and forms are only the reflections of light,

Not Real.

Only the Real Knows the Unreal!

Having known whatever perceived are unreal can your Consciousness ask any question?

So understand that Nobody is questioning anybody as none of the happenings are real!

You the Observer observe silently all the play happenings inside the dream!

Can you?