You Are Already That

Beloved GM, What is the purpose and objective of dreams?

February 13, 2023 | 373 views


With what Identity you are asking this?

Certainly, at the personality level only.!

The very asking shows that you are yet to know that all is a dream only just now!

Had you known all is a dream happening only… you remain cool and observe silently without involvement…!

When everything appears and disappears at the greatest speed and none of the perceived are real and constantly changing…

What purpose inside this dream can remain constant and give you peacefulness?

The purpose is only at the personality level to achieve this and that…!

Once your Consciousness knows it is Consciousness only then it abides in stillness and starts waking up….from the perceived dream…!

Your Consciousness is unknowingly accepting itself to be a person not knowing that it is only Consciousness within….!

So it accepts the dream to be real and get trapped by the perceived dream… Unknowingly.!

Consciousness does not have any purpose here in space once it is Conscious of itself.

Consciousness knows the stillness within Constantly and spontaneously wakefulness begins…..!

Since your Consciousness is accepting itself to be a person it is asking,

What is the purpose of dreams?

Your Consciousness is prior to form and knows its presence as ‘I am ness’ only through the form…

Hence it accepts itself as a form…till it meets a Realized…

Realized says:

You are not the form…

Close your eyes and know the stillness within…

Settle in stillness consistently… and Wakeup up from the present dream…!

Though you are ever present…

Beyond form…

Beyond space…

Your presence is known as  ‘I am ness’ only through the form….in space…

But your ‘I amness’ is prior to form and space now knows its existence through the form in space.

Consciousness is light…

Out of the light of Consciousness only

Every object is reflected in space including your form now.!

You are prior to Consciousness!

You are the Observer!

Only in the light of Consciousness entire manifestation happen spontaneously just now..!

At the Observer level, nothing has happened to you!

Only within perceived space level all these form level dreams go on…that too spontaneously just now..!

There is no purpose within the dream…as this play goes on spontaneously by the elemental interaction…

There is no person here!

The entire play happening is by Consciousness itself!

Now your Consciousness which manifests the dream objects does not know that only out of the light of your Consciousness only the dream called world, Cosmos, Universe etc., go on…

In duality, this dream level shows go on…

But you are Non Dual Observer…just now…

Your Consciousness does not know that everything begins from your ‘I amness’ Consciousness only…

Nothing is separate from itself…

Once your Consciousness knows the light within then it is not trapped by the dream anymore and starts waking up from the dream…

Only after waking up totally, your Consciousness knows the Observer and Realize that nothing never happened to it.

Till then your Consciousness sleeps through personality and accepts the dream to be more real…!

Now it is upto your Consciousness to sleep through the personality dream…or

To wake up Consciously from the present dream to know that it is the Eternal Observer beyond Birth and Death…!
