You Are Already That

Beloved GM, What is the best way of helping “Others” in this world of illusion? Can I help a member of my family to Awaken?

June 8, 2022 | 388 views

GM: This question is certainly at the personality level.!

Where is the other?

Your worry about others shows that you are still at the personality level.

Where do all forms exist just now?

Can there be any form here when you are not Conscious?

Know that all forms happen just now in your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness only…including your form.

When all forms are happening within your Consciousness only just now by your Consciousness… Tell me… Where is the other?

Who is who?

Is there anything apart from your Consciousness just now?

First know!

In your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness only everything appear, happen just now in space!

But for you nothing is here in space!

Pay attention on your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness within through stillness!

Once you are conscious of yourself by abiding in stillness….Beyond words….

Then your Consciousness knows that there is no person here…!

All forms are by ‘I am ness’ Consciousness itself!

You know the stillness within by closing eyes!

This stillness contains all..!

World, cosmos, entire manifestations happen out of this stillness just now.!

When the world itself depends on your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness..!

When the world cannot happen when you are not Conscious of yourself…!

Why do you bother about the world?

World happens just now in your Consciousness only.!

World disappears once you are no more conscious of yourself!

Your Consciousness is the source of the world.!

Q: what is the best way of helping ‘ others ‘ in this world of illusion?

First know that whatever perceived here in space are nothing but the reflections of light within!

Can the reflections be real?

Whatever perceived in space are not real just now…like seeing a unreal movie on a screen.

Here the screen is space..!
Every event……in your I am ness ‘Consciousness…is Nothing but an unreal show by the light of Consciousness itself…!

You say ‘in this world of illusion?’

World is not an illusion…!

But an unreal dream!

Exactly like you see a movie on a screen…
All happening appear to be more real…on the screen…
But no one is there….!
Every form is only a reflected form…on the screen….!

Though the movie appears to be real…
There is no reality in it….!

Here in space too…….All forms appear to move in space ….
But where do they all appear but for your Consciousness?

Whatever you call it as world or cosmos or any form or object within space…

From where do they all happen just now?

Can there be anything here when you are not Conscious?

Why not you pay attention on yourself…
Which contains the seed of entire manifestations and get to know what this ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is.?

World begins with the beginning of your Consciousness and ends up when your Consciousness is no more….!

Instead of worrying about the world which is not real….
Why don’t you find out …
What this Consciousness
‘I amness’ is which appears for a shorter duration say morning 5 or so and entire manifestation is created out of it….?

Entire world disappears when you are no more conscious of your presence as ‘I am ness’… Like your sleep…

Can that which appear and disappear be real?

Daily you are conscious of yourself by early morning… happens….
So many happenings happen spontaneously throughout waking state till sleep happens.!
In sleep again Consciousness is missing…!

Your Conscious presence is also known only for a shorter duration in this waking state only…!

You donot know what happened to you in your deep sleep…..
Where were you in deep sleep?
When your Consciousness itself appears and disappears for a shorter duration…
You take all events within waking state as more real…
What happened to all events when you are in deep sleep…?

What happened to you in deep sleep?

When your Consciousness itself is appearing for a shorter duration and disappears in sleep, can all those events happening in your waking state be real When they too disappear along with your Consciousness?

When Consciousness comes ….(waking state)

All events happen spontaneously…..!

When Consciousness….
goes….( Deep sleep) Nothing is known..!

What is the validity of this Consciousness which comes and goes?

Can all those events happening be real when they themselves depend on your consciousness just now?

Why not you spend sometime for yourself and get to know what this Consciousness is which happens for a shorter duration and creating all events as if all are real …though they are nothing but reflections only…in space.?

Find out from where this Consciousness happens and from where it merges…?

Know that there is a state prior to the arrival of Consciousness.!

Your Consciousness should first accept that it is Consciousness only…!
Then abide in stillness consistently…!
To know its source!

Instead of remaining Conscious of yourself and finding out what this Consciousness is….!

You are unnecessarily wasting time by worrying about the world and others unknowingly..!

Once your consciousness finds out its Source…!
And knows that it is Awareness only ever present reality beyond dualities…!
Then your Consciousness is complete and whole and wakes up from the dream called world and other form level identities etc., And knows that

I only prevail as the Absolute here!

Nothing never happens to Me!

I am in my original supreme reality!

Beyond dualities…!

Only in duality which is a dream you worry about others!

Once your non dual is known where is the other as you are in wholeness ?

In Wholeness – Non dual- only the Source!

In duality – full of divisions- unreal dream only..!

Do you want to wake up from the dream called the other?

Or Want to continue the dream state by worrying about the other?

Why not you wake up Consciously just now from the so called dream and know your Ultimate reality beyond birth and death?

First let your Consciousness to wake up from the manifested dream to know that you are prior to dream already….

You are still inside the dream worrying about everyone around you…!

Once you are conscious of yourself just now…..!

You are free from all ……!

As they all exist only in your Consciousness..!

Better wake up from the present dream itself and know what you are exactly!

Help yourself first!

Value yourself first!

And know yourself contains the immeasurable treasure of the entire manifestation within.!

Love yourself first!

And know yourself is the source of all objects in space!

Know that you are only the Observer just now.!

Only by Observing silently …Consistently….!

Your Consciousness wakes up from present dream itself and knows the Observer beyond the Observed!

When the Observer is beyond the Observed…

Can an Observer remain worried about an unreal show that goes on spontaneously in space here?

Whatever perceived in space are not real just now…like seeing an unreal movie on a screen.

Better Wake up and Know!