You Are Already That

Beloved GM, What is self realization?

June 25, 2022 | 377 views


Self means your consciousness which knows its presence through the form asĀ  ‘I am ness’.

Your Consciousness has to know what it is as it is trapped by personality identity by accepting itself as a tiny form unknowingly!

A realized says:

You are beyond Consciousness!

You are never born!

Whatever perceived are only a dream…not real!

Go within!

And know!

After listening to the realized statement, your consciousness starts remaining Conscious of itself and abides in stillness….

Once Consciousness goes inwardly deeply it gets to know the source of the entire manifestation is within itself and nothing is separate from itself.

Consciousness accepts all that is perceived as real till it sees the light within!

Now, Consciousness knows it is more than the form, the source of all forms.

Further, Consciousness merges in its source of Awareness and transcends itself totally and knows its eternity beyond birth and death!

Consciousness is incomplete by accepting itself as a form…in the beginning…..

After meeting a realized, it knows its unborn nature and remains complete.

This is Self Realization!

Consciousness which accepts the birth as real at the form level remains incomplete……

Hence consciousness starts searching itself outside which is futile as it is very much within!

Only by going inwardly it starts knowing its source of awareness and gets complete and knows its wholeness which is non-dual beyond birth and death.

First it accepts birth and death as real at the duality level….

After knowing its source it knows its wholeness beyond duality where there is neither birth nor death….

Only eternity beyond all divisions!

Incomplete Consciousness through form identity …….

now remains complete after realizing its unborn, eternity!

Consciousness Knowing its Wholeness is Self Realization!