You Are Already That

Beloved GM, What is a dream?

April 16, 2022 | 415 views

What is a dream?

Is it not the appearances moving here and there?

How do they appear?

Do you make any effort?

All the appearances and their movements are going on spontaneously without any effort.

They all disappear too without any effort.

You do nothing actually.

You only Observe silently!

You never knew it is all a dream only till you become conscious of yourself!

You, the observer prevail prior to dream.

You perceive the dream as it happens Silently!

You perceive the sleep, dream and waking states as you are prior to all these!

But you never knew this!

Every form appears to happen by the spontaneous interaction of elements in the light of Consciousness!

Now, in this Waking state too forms appear to happen only due to spontaneous interaction of elements!

But for elements no forms!

You see so many forms in your sleep dream.

From where do they all come?

They all appear due to elemental play in the slight ray of light!

Once the elements stop interacting there is neither any form nor the dream!

There is only complete darkness….which is called as sleep.

How do you become conscious of yourself in the beginning of waking state?

Spontaneously you come to know that ‘You Exist’….. directly on your own without any effort.

This ‘I am ness’ knowing itself is by the elemental interactions only.

Your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness depends upon elemental interaction to know its existence.

Consciousness is ever here!

It is infinite, formless but it needs a physical matrix to know its presence.

There is nothing here other than your Conscious presence!

Everything appears and disappears spontaneously in your Consciousness only.

But you never knew this as You never remain conscious of Yourself!

Tell me, were you Conscious of yourself throughout your waking state?


So the possibility of knowing it is all a dream is very very rare!

Your Consciousness starts waking up only by going inwardly…. and not otherwise!

The dream appearances are by elements…!

Unknowingly…your consciousness accepts them as real!

It is your Consciousness which has to wake up from the dream and nobody else!

The dream goes on till your consciousness accepts itself as a finite form.

Once your consciousness knows it is more than the form beyond boundaries through Stillness by going within… then the dream is no more…and only Consciousness is Ever Here!