You Are Already That

Beloved GM, What do you Mean by Exactly… “Nothing Never Happens Here!” Could you please say something about it?

March 13, 2022 | 627 views

GM: Now your Consciousness is asking clarification for this statement that Nothing never Happens!

As it is yet to wake up totally to know this!

Now you know that you exist only due to Consciousness within!

Now, You know that you Exist!

Is it not?

But you do not know what you are exactly!

Still your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness identifies itself as a form only with certain labels and functions with such identities only …taking all happenings to be more real here!

Your Consciousness identifies itself as a tiny form not knowing its infinity just now!

It is your Consciousness which manifests the entire world but never knows this Truth!

It is your Consciousness that functions through entire manifestations !

This also your Consciousness never knows!

It is your Consciousness that drops all forms!

This also your Consciousness never knows !


Because your consciousness is yet to know itself!

Still, it is trapped by the form identity strongly and unwilling to know it is only Consciousness within and not the form that appear!

Through form level identity it goes on extending its dream as a personality….!

There is no remedy at this dream level personality.

It is strongly conditioned itself as a person unknowingly..and accepts all imposed knowledge as real!

It accepts all happenings within space to be real!

As it is yet to wake up from the dream by personality!

It never knows that whatever appear as objects just now in space are nothing but a reflection light within!

Consciousness knows it is Consciousness only by going deeper inwardly…and knowing the stillness within!

Through stillness it knows the light within!

Once light is known,

It knows entire manifestation is only a reflection of light within space!

It knows that elements are created out of light spontaneously!

Created elements interact spontaneously at a greater speed in no time with innumerable permutations of combinations and objects appear….
only by the elemental interaction!

But for light neither elements nor any objects in space here!
Light is the base for entire manifestation…!

Consciousness abides in stillness consistently and transcends itself and knows its eternity beyond duality!

It knows it is never born but ever present!
Where is the death for the one which is never born?

It knows what is born is only a sheer dream by the spontaneous elemental interactions!

Having known all that perceived in space are only a dream by the spontaneous elemental display, will it a fall a prey to such dreams?

Once Consciousness wakes up totally ….!

It is relieved from the duality called birth and death!

Consciousness in ignorance accepts the dream as real!

Once Consciousness wakes up totally …

It knows its beyondness prior to dream!

Consciousness after waking up totally knows its wholeness!

Now it declares that Nothing never Happens!

All that were perceived were only an Unreal dream!

There is not even an iota of truth in all that perceived in space!


Only upon waking up Consciously, totally…. Not until then….!

You are already the Supreme ! Non dual!

Nothing never happens to you!

Even now!

Still, You are caught by every happening in space as more real!


Your Consciousness is yet to wake up totally now from the present dream itself!

Your Consciousness can wake up only by listening to a realized who has transcended duality…!

Only the awakened one… beyond the duality dream can guide you and wake up your Consciousness which is still struggling by accepting all events as real including the birth of the form….!

Why I go on emphasize that your Consciousness has to wake up from the present dream?

Because I am the source itself!

I know what this Consciousness is!

I , the Absolute prevail prior to Consciousness!

Only I can guide your consciousness to wake up now from the dream called birth and death and make you aware of what you are exactly now!

That you are the ever present Ultimate already and nothing never happened to you!

As you were never born!

What is born is not you but an unreal dream!

At least now, will you listen deeply and wake up to know that Nothing never happens ?