You Are Already That

Beloved GM, To know my Birthless state…. Is there any way here?

February 21, 2022 | 442 views

GM: Right now you are beyond birth!

You are yet to know this!

Right now you are beyond Consciousness!

You are yet to know this!

You are not aware of your original Supreme state prior to birth just now as you are caught by all the play happenings here in space!

You never know that all that perceived in space are by your Consciousness itself!

You take all that perceived here to be more real … not knowing….that

They are all only a dream happening… as your Consciousness is yet to wake up!

Now your Consciousness is sleeping through personality and accepts all that perceived here to be real!

Hence your Consciousness does not know its beyondness prior to space!

Your consciousness only manifests everything that appear in space!

But your Consciousness is prior to manifestation! Prior to all forms!

It has no boundaries…it is infinite!

Now caught up by its own manifestations within space by accepting all as real as it is yet to wake up from its manifested dream Consciously!

Q: to know my birthless state…is there any way here?

Way is only to reach from one place to another!

Way is a movement!

But you are unmoving reality right now!

You are prior to Consciousness!

You do not require any movement to know that you are prior to birth right now!

Every movement is spontaneously happening in your ‘I am ness Consciousness just now!

Who is the Observer of all that movement?

You are That!

When movements are not you why do you bother about any movements in space?

Because you are yet to know What this Consciousness is!

Here you know your presence as I am ness’ only through a Conscious form.

Now your Consciousness identifies itself only as a form with more labels added to it as real!

Through identification, your Consciousness is trapped now….in space!

It gives more reality to all imposed labels not knowing its immense potential within due to which entire manifestations happen just now!

By identifying itself as a form it accepts is being born…and it has a death also….

This is at the form level only!

Through form level, the dream extends itself endlessly….!

Your Consciousness never remains peaceful and remains the form level inspite of having all comforts here…

Though it never dies it accepts the death as real…!

How to know that your Consciousness is never born and ever present ?

First your Consciousness should know it is Consciousness only within!

How to know this?

By closing eyes and knowing the peace within ..!

Now your Consciousness knows that it is beyond form…through stillness!

Once it knows its stillness within, it remains free from all identifications outside and knows that none of the identifications are real….!

All are only for utilisation …in space!

Now it is free from form level identities and knows that it is prior to form through stillness!

Now it abides in stillness constantly without being disturbed by any of the happenings in space!

Your Consciousness knows that all happenings are spontaneous and none of them are real as they are constantly moving and changing!

Only by abiding in stillness which is a non movement…!

Consciousness starts waking up silently within…!

By abiding in stillness your Consciousness is merging in its source of Awareness constantly!

By merging totally…it transcends itself into the source ..the Absolute…and wakes up totally and knows its beyondness…i.e.,

It is never born!

Ever present!

What is born is only a dream happening!

None of the happenings perceived in space are real including birth and death at the form level as they are only a dream happening inside the dream…within space!

Your Consciousness which was identifying itself as a form within space …now…woken up from its form level dream and knows it is already in Eternity only!

Nothing…Never… happens!

Whatever that appeared to happen in space are only a dream ..and not real….!

When it knows?

Only upon waking up from its dream …!

Now upon waking it knows its original state prior to birth….!

It is exactly like seeing a dream and struggling inside a dream till the dream is over!

Once you wake up…dream is no more!

Even now you are trapped by the dream at the form level!

The Only remedy is to wake up Consciously and know what you are exactly!

Nothing is happening here!

Whatever perceived are only an unreal dream happenings…..!

Why do you still worry about the death inside the dream…?

because you are yet to wake up from the present dream itself!

To know that you are never born!

Ever present Supreme Already !

Know !…
There is no way needed now but a sharp awakening from the present dream itself!