You Are Already That

Beloved GM, To be Happy…. To be Free…. Why this Consciousness always seek some reason?

August 12, 2022 | 331 views


First know, Consciousness cannot seek Happiness or Freedom or anything outside once it is Conscious of itself….!

Your consciousness does not know… what it is…..?

It does not know…. how it has come? Why it is here?

It does not know what is happening here is nothing but a dream….!

Still it takes everything to be more real….that is why it wants to be more happy, it wants more freedom outside….!

Had Consciousness known its inner beauty which is Endless Joy…Infinite peace…..and it is already free inwardly…

Will it search for happiness and freedom outside?

Consciousness contains the source of the entire manifestation within…

The seed is within….!

The potential is within….!

Consciousness unnecessarily wasting entire lifetime assuming itself as a person with imposed identities and roams here and there outside in search of peace, happiness and freedom outside not knowing it contains everything within just now….!

Freedom is inside…

You are free already Inwardly….!

Freedom is not outside….!

You have an inner kingdom filled with treasures which you are yet to know….!

It is your Kingdom….!

No one can enter into your inner kingdom….!

No one can enslave you inwardly… You are free already…

Whatever you perceive outside is only a play by Consciousness within… due to elemental interactions….!

Why are you much bothered about the world outside, not knowing that the world cannot happen without your Consciousness…?

You say you want to be happy’…What do you mean by that?

You are more than happiness….!

You are the Source of joy…..!

Happiness means you depend on something other than you ….!

It is a dependency ….!

When you know all are nothing but Conscious forms only…

There is nothing called the other…

Then you know the joy, only by going inward….!

Joy is independent…

You don’t depend on anything to be joyful….!

Happiness depends on material available….!

Joy is beyond matter ….!

Joy does not depend on anything….!

Joy is Here Always….!

By going inward, you know that all forms are by Consciousness only… which is within…..and know the endless joy springing out from within….!

Then you are content with yourself…

You no longer for happiness outside… as now you know the source is within…

The Ocean of joy is within….!

Why long for a wave of happiness which appear to disappear…When the Ocean of joy is within…?

Without your conscious ‘I am’…  neither the world nor any manifestations here…

You are an Emperor of your Kingdom….!

You ask for freedom…

Freedom from what …?

Nothing is separate from you….!

Your Consciousness and the world are one and the same…Like sun and sunrays….!

The world happens in your Consciousness simultaneously in your ‘ I am ness’….!

Your statement like ‘to be Happy…to be… Free’,  indicates that you are still stuck at the personality level which is not true….!

You are Consciousness just now….!

Otherwise, how can you raise this question?

See how your consciousness is trapped by the non existing personality and longing for such things… not knowing that your Supreme richness is…inwardly… Here…!

The only remedy for all longings is to dive deep within and find out the Source within….!

It is like a beggar begging with a bowl full of gold coins not knowing the value of gold….!

Your Consciousness cannot know its value as long as it is longing for any such thing outside….!

It is high time your Consciousness enters deep inwardly and stabilizes there to realize its invaluable treasure inside….!

Don’t roam outside….!

Just settle Here, Now….!

The source of Joy, Peace….is Here…. within….!

Just Now….!

Don’t miss….it.!

It is always Here ….!