You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Thoughts should stop during meditation, however, reiterating this during meditation is itself a thought, while trying it with closed eyes, initially for few minutes it appears blank with no thoughts, after few minutes automatically some or the other thoughts creeps in, how to go about it. Kindly clarify this.

September 28, 2022 | 431 views


First know that your ‘I am ness’ itself is only Consciousness at present.

Your Consciousness is prior to Thoughts!

In your Consciousness only thoughts happen..!

Thoughts are not you..!

How do you know thoughts?

Can you know thoughts if you are not conscious?

You are prior to thoughts…

By closing eyes…you remain peaceful.

This peacefulness is stillness.!

This stillness is beyond movement.!

Thoughts are just movements…

They move…


In your Consciousness only…..!

This stillness is the beginning of your Consciousness.!

First you are conscious of yourself as ‘I am ness’ without words…

In your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness thoughts happen…move…and disappear too….!

When you are not the thoughts and you are prior to thoughts ……

Can thoughts disturb you?

Let thoughts come and go…

Simply Observe them…. as they are not you!

Thoughts are for utility only.!

Make use of them when essential…

Rest of the time Observe thoughts silently…without identification and remain still.

The more you Observe silently…..

The more you remain peaceful…!

The more you involve through identifications…

The more you are disturbed…

Once you are Conscious of yourself through stillness…you are The Master..!

Thoughts are your obedient servants.!

The more you are Conscious…
Lesser will be thoughts….

You are asking …..what to do when thoughts creep in?

Thoughts are just words.!

No reality in them…

Thoughts are just movements.!

No Reality in them.

Thoughts are just identifications.!

No reality in them.

Simply Observe!

Observation is beyond words.!

Observation is beyond movements.!

Observation is beyond identifications.!

Through constant Observation …

Thoughts will disappear slowly…

You remain in stillness constantly…

And know the peacefulness throughout the waking state …..

When you do not involve with thoughts… and rather Observe thoughts constantly…

You know that you are already prior to thoughts and free from thoughts…

At the Conscious level, you are free from thoughts …

At the personality level, you are one with the thoughts as you are yet to be conscious of yourself..!

Better close your eyes and know the peace within…which is endless…and know thoughts are not you.!

Will you?