You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Realized one like you, how to mingle or manage with world level activities?

February 25, 2022 | 468 views

GM: Nothing is separate from Me!

I don’t find any divisions here as All are Myself only!

I remain quiet!

I know what is happening around me in this world….!

I remain unconcerned about all such happenings.

I know what this Consciousness is!

Which plays here as manifestations within space!

I know none of the scenes are real!

I observe this film called world knowing the unreality of it like how a movie is perceived on the screen.

Nothing affects Me!

I am prior to world.

So world cannot touch me!

I remain untouched by all happenings.

I am beyond words!

I use words to share the truth with the seekers.

I don’t find any divisions here!

Hence moving here joyfully!

When seekers come here,

I share the truth to make them aware of what they are exactly….and help them to wake up from the present dream itself to know their highest potential beyond birth and death.

I know all forms are myself only.

All are conscious forms only.

When conscious within is conscious of itself it comes nearer to me to know its Absoluteness!

When Consciousness is not conscious of itself , it stays away from Me to remain ignorant forever!

I enjoy this play too….

I know Nothing never Happens!
So you cannot expect me to do things as you expect!

You cannot predict me!

I observe the flow of Consciousness and its play here in space!

The flow does not affect me as I prevail prior to this Conscious flow!

I observer the flow ….and remain unaffected as I know the endless joy and infinite peace prior to the happening of the world in space.

I can help you also to remain peaceful and joyful endlessly……here.

Are you ready ?

You are asking how to manage or mingle with world level activities?

I only observe now!

All actions are happening spontaneously by Consciousness itself just now!

I always Observe!

When all actions are by Consciousness itself…..

Tell me, what work can I do here except to Observe?