You Are Already That

Beloved GM, “Prior to knowledge” – Could you please explain more on this ?

May 25, 2022 | 440 views

GM: You are already prior to knowledge!

What is knowledge?

Some details about any object, any happenings.

First of all, how do you know anything?

What is the principle without which there is neither yourself nor any manifestations?

What is the principle without which you can never know yourself?

How do you know that you exist?

Is it not due to your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness?

The primary knowledge is knowing that you exist!

In your existence only all else appear to happen and disappear too.

In deep sleep you don’t know that you exist!

You come to know your existence only upon the arrival of  ‘I am ness’ in your waking state.

This ‘I am ness’ is your direct knowing.

You need not ask anyone whether you exist.

You, yourself know it on your own.

It is self-evident!

This  ‘I am ness’ knowing is spontaneous and independent!

In this  ‘I am ness’… you know the peace within.

You remain still.

This is prior to words.

Any knowledge about any object including your form is an additional knowledge only.

Every knowledge is dependent.

It depends on some objects.

Your  ‘I am ness’ is prior to all knowledge which depend on materials.

‘I am ness’ is your direct knowing.

Only in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness every knowledge is received including the knowledge about your form that you are so and so…and all forms around you!

Tell me, are you the imposed knowledge?

Are not all the imposed knowledge exist only in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness just now?

Can there be any knowledge when you are not conscious?

In deep sleep you don’t know that you exist!

Spontaneously you know that ‘ you exist’.

This  ‘I am ness’  is your primary knowledge!

Rest of the knowledge are imposed on you!

They are not you!

Are you an object?

Are you not the subject without which there is neither the world nor any object?

Know your greatness!

Know your immense beauty!

Know your Supreme richness!

Then you will not fall a prey to any knowledge which are not you!

In deep sleep you don’t know that you exist!

But now you know that you exist.

This knowing your existence is wakefulness.

Just now you know you exist…without words.

This knowing, wakefulness is prior to all imposed knowledge!

Knowing your presence without words is wakefulness!

This stillness is wakefulness!

Are you not wakeful now?

Now, you are wakeful, conscious of yourself!

In this ‘I am ness’ Consciousness… only every knowledge is received.

Now tell me, are you not prior to knowledge just now?