You Are Already That

Beloved GM, “Mind to No Mind” – this journey is Possible?

February 6, 2022 | 783 views

GM: There is nothing called mind!

Only thoughts appear to disappear!

Where do thoughts appear?

Can you know thoughts when you are no more conscious of yourself?

How do you know that you exist?

What is the principle by which you know that you exist?

What is the principle without which there is neither manifestations nor any cosmos, world etc.,?

First know this principle, Which is the base for everything that is perceived here in space just now?

It is only your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness in which everything is manifested in space just now!

But for your Consciousness, nothing is here in space!

First, you are conscious of yourself !

In your Consciousness, only all forms… including your form are perceived in space!

Your consciousness is more alive!

Thoughts do not have life at all!

They simply appear and disappear …


In your Consciousness only!

You are conscious of yourself first as ‘I am ness’ without words!

In your Consciousness only thoughts appear!

Your Consciousness is prior to thoughts!

Know this !

Your ‘I am ness’ is prior to thoughts already!

Thoughts are not you!

Then why do you bother about thoughts?

When they are not you?

Your Consciousness does not know it is already Consciousness only!

This can be known only by closing eyes!

Immense endless peace within is known by closing eyes!

This stillness (peace) is the beginning of Consciousness just now!

In this stillness neither any forms nor any thoughts …
Only endless …
infinite peace …
is here!

This stillness is prior to thoughts!

You are already this stillness only inwardly just now!

You know this stillness within only by closing eyes initially!

All meditation techniques are only to know the stillness within just now!

In stillness, you are free from entire manifestation and thoughts in space!
You are more relaxed and totally free!

In this stillness….you know your presence as  ‘I am ness’ without words!

This stillness is your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness just now!

Stillness – I am ness – Consciousness!

Q: mind to no – mind …this journey is possible?

Thought to no thought ….

You cannot travel from thought to no thought!

Are you a thought?

Are you not Conscious of yourself now?

Are you not perceiving thoughts in your Consciousness just now?

Can thoughts happen if you are not Conscious of yourself?

Your question indicates that you are yet to know you are conscious only at present!

Your Consciousness unknowingly identifies itself with a thought as itself ..
Hence asking thought to no thought journey is possible?

Your consciousness is ever here !

You are already Consciousness only just now!

Unnecessarily your Consciousness identifies itself as a thought not knowing it is Consciousness only just now!

How to know that you are conscious only now?

Just close your eyes !

Know the peace, stillness within!

This is the beginning of your Consciousness!

Know the immense beauty of your consciousness!

Your Consciousness is the source of entire manifestation within space!

Without your Consciousness neither cosmos, universe nor any living being here!

Entire manifestation depends on your  ‘I am ness’ Consciousness just now!

Once you abide in stillness within…. you know that your Consciousness is the base for everything that appear in space!

Know you are an emperor already !

Know your richness inwardly!

Without knowing your inner richness you fall a prey to a single thought and accept that you are just a thought and want to travel from thought to no – thought….


You are right now Consciousness only!

No need to travel to know this!

Just closing eyes is enough now!

Know the stillness within right now!

Know you are conscious of yourself without words!

Thoughts are just words!

You are prior to words !

To know your wordless state …stillness …which is a non movement …what journey …or movement is needed?

Tell me!

Movements are needed only to use words….

No movement is needed to know your Consciousness within which is prior to words!

Only from this stillness everything appears and moves!

Know this!

Stillness is unmoving….Within right now…

It is prior to all movements in space!

No movement is required to know yourself just now!

Be still !
And know no journey is needed to be yourself!