You Are Already That

Beloved GM…Kindly guide me deeply into how to best being open to your grace and how important is profound surrender and Trust in you in knowing the Truth?

May 31, 2023 | 273 views


Grace is nothing but Stillness within.!

Stillness is Unmoving…

Truth is Unmoving…

Truth is known through Stillness.!

You know that
‘You are .! ‘ this direct knowing of your presence is due to Consciousness within.!

Because of Consciousness, only your existence is known!

In deep sleep, you do not know.!

Only upon waking you come to know your presence…

Now you know that You are.!

But do not know what you are exactly!

Though you are the Non dual Observer…

Now you are trapped by the perceived show where you happen to be at a certain form level.

So your Consciousness accepts this form to be real as it is yet to know the Consciousness within…without which neither your presence nor the world can be known.!

By accepting the form as itself your Consciousness struggles….due to birth and death concept….!

To know that your eternity beyond birth and death ….

To know that you are the eternal Observer…your Consciousness trapped by the form level identities should wake up Consciously.!


Only by going inwardly…!

Truth is Unmoving… Unchanging..

Stillness is Unmoving and Unchanging…

The only way to know your Supreme Reality is to know the Stillness within.!

That is why you are made to close your eyes and Observe Silently.!

Your Consciousness is trapped by more words…so it finds difficult to stay beyond words…

So it is searching for every method to use words but refuse to stay beyond words and Observe!

My method is simple.!

Just Close your eyes.!

Know the Stillness within.!

In my presence it is more easier to abide in stillness ..

Till then just close your eyes and listen to my teachings…silently without using words!

The sound of my teachings will make you still inwardly…

Just Observe words!

Words are just to indicate the truth within.!

I am with you Beyond words!

You will know Me by staying beyond words through Stillness…just now.!

Surrender is at the personality level…

At the Conscious level just abiding in Stillness is more than enough!

Through Stillness your Consciousness is already merging in Me ( The Source).

Trust is also at the personality level only.!

At the Conscious level you are never separate from the Source…

You are Already with Me.!

The only way is to abide in Stillness consistently to wake up Consciously and know your Absolute wholeness beyond duality just now.!
