You Are Already That

Beloved GM, It seems unless one is totally into this journey it is not possible. Is it so ?

November 7, 2022 | 323 views


With what Identity you are asking this?

Certainly at the personality level only!

It is your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness that undertakes this journey towards its source.

Your Consciousness is not partial…

It is total…

It is universal!

The entire cosmos and total manifestation happens out of your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness just now!

By accepting yourself as a tiny form, you are asking this…whether one should be totally into this journey….?

A journey is a movement from one place to another place to see manifested objects.

Only to see outwardly, movement of the journey is required.

To see inwardly, Your Inner beauty, Inner treasure which is endless…no movement is required.

In this inner knowing… need not move!

No movement is required!

No time is required!

You need not spend money too!

Just closing eyes is more than enough!

Your inner being contains all just now.

Your Consciousness arises out of it and merges back in it.

Your consciousness is not separate from its Source!

It is part of the Source.

While arising from the Source, your Consciousness manifests the entire world cosmos, etc.. including your form!

Unknowingly, your I am ness’ Consciousness now identifies itself as a tiny form observed within space …

By accepting itself as a form it accepts it is born….and has a constant fear of death too…

Constantly it struggles through form identity!

After meeting a realized it starts… Waking up as it knows through a realized that it is not a form but more than the form beyond limitations.

All these days your Consciousness with form identity moves here and there in search of truth outside…calling it as a spiritual journey …

After meeting a realized who says, ‘ No need to go Outside!

Just go inwardly by closing eyes!’

Your Consciousness now stops moving outward and start knowing the stillness within!

When eyes are closed you see nothing inside….but the seed of entire manifestations is within only which you are yet to explore..

Close your eyes and tell me!

Whether you are totally conscious or not?

You cannot divide the peace within and say I am 10 % peaceful…

Peacefulness is not an object to be divided.

It is your own subject!

It is always here only within you just now!

Already peace is within you!

Your form happens out of it!

But you say as if it is far away from you say 10,000 kilometers and you need to take a long journey for a longer duration.

Your source is within just now!

Your I am ness’ Consciousness is also within just now!

Only by remaining Conscious of yourself by abiding in stillness constantly…..

Your Consciousness knows its source beyond dualities called birth and death.

At the personality level,still you are outside …..taking all to be more real though they are unreal.

There is not even an iota of truth outside just now!

Your questioning indicates as if you suffer a lot to close your eyes to know the peace within as you are totally engaged at the personality level.

My question is ‘ Is it that much difficult to close your eyes and know your inner beauty?

Once you are conscious, you know that all happen spontaneously without any effort!

This inner knowing is effortless!

But you ask’ is it possible?’

Now tell me, 

To make effort is easier?
To be effortless is easier?

Then you know!