You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Isn’t the observer has to be in turn observed for realization? I mean isn’t it you can know the observer in your consciousness only? I feel like it is a cycle, Consciousness being aware and awareness being conscious, for a fully conscious being like human.

June 15, 2022 | 395 views

GM: The Observer observes all.!

Observer cannot be observed as it observes all.

Realization is.. this Consciousness which appears for a shorter time should know what it is because of which entire manifestation happens for a short while.

Now this Conscious knowing ‘ I am ‘ accepts itself as a separate entity with certain labels, then it meets a realized one saying, : ‘You are not what you take yourself to be!’.

Then it knows it is only Conscious and starts remaining Conscious consistently to know its source.

When it knows its source, it is relieved from the so called worldly dreams as it is aware of its true unborn nature.

Consciousness unknowingly accepts that it is born and functions with constant fear of death till lifetime as it does not know its true unborn nature.

Now Consciousness knowing its true nature is called as Self-realization.

The self-realizing its original Supreme nature.

Yes. Realization is only for the Consciousness as it mistakes itself to be born.

It has to know its unborn nature, till then it struggles.

What will be the struggle for the one which is never born?

It is Consciousness realizing its true nature, no person.

Consciousness realizes its true nature by remaining conscious.
Then it is complete.

Further, it transcends itself too and abides in Ultimate eternal reality.

Finally, it is Consciousness which accepts that it is born….realizes its unborn nature and remains free from manifestations once it abides in awareness.

It becomes awareness itself which is unmoving.

It is Consciousness which needs realization as it appears for a shorter duration and disappears.
Only in duality, all happen.!

Till it knows its source which is non dual, Realization is needed as it struggles in duality.

Awareness is non dual, complete, total and perfect by itself!

Here the word  ‘realization’ has no meaning.
Consciousness arising out of Awareness and merging in awareness is spontaneously going on…. like waking and sleep states, there is no doer, all by Consciousness itself.

Where is human?

It is only a conscious being through a form called human knowing its presence and functioning.

This functioning is by Consciousness only…!

This Consciousness is knowing ..its unborn nature by being conscious of itself.

Only Awareness knows what this conscious principle is!

Consciousness is yet to Know.!

When Consciousness knows…. it is Awareness only.!

In awareness there is neither Consciousness nor manifestation. !

Awareness contains all…. like an ocean!

Consciousness arises out of spontaneous elemental interaction.
Like a wave arises out of the ocean.

Waves happen due to movement on the surface of the ocean.

Similarly, Consciousness happens due to elemental interaction.

When wave is not moving it is ocean.
In movement, it appears as a wave.

Similarly, when Consciousness happens out of movement of elements, world happen.

When elements do not move Consciousness does not arise, there is neither world nor cosmos.

All these explanations are only at the Conscious level in duality.

At the Awareness level, which is Non dual,

Beyond movement,

Beyond Consciousness,

Beyond form,

Beyond time,

Beyond space…. Beyond words, Beyond description… Only Wholeness.!
And you are already the Wholeness.!

You are never born, ever present Supreme.!

You are the Observer of the Conscious play!
You are never in the play.!

See how you are caught by this conscious play unknowingly and asking this question.

It is better your consciousness gets to know its Supreme unborn nature.