You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Is this journey joyful or a tough one to know the Truth?

June 17, 2023 | 241 views


This is a very Joyful journey,

Where you are one with the whole existence…

Flowers blossoming…

Rivers running…..

Birds chirping…

All for you only…

The whole existence is dancing…..for you…

The whole existence is entertaining you constantly….!

This you know only in utter Relaxation.

This journey is full of joy enriched with peacefulness…!

You cannot express it.

You can only be at it!

Knowing your presence in stillness is a great gift…!

Many Masters were staying in stillness only and started preaching to go beyond mind…

I straight away take you there… and make you abide constantly…

Once you abide there…

No use of words….!

All my words are used only to pay attention on your Self within.

Consciousness is bubbling out of joy as it is merging with its source of Awareness…!

You will know the joy constantly Inwardly irrespective of outer happenings…

Then everything happens spontaneously…

The truth about oneself is explored only out of Joy and Peace…and not otherwise…!

You remain as an Observer only…. throughout …even Now….!
