You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Is this ‘I am ness’ Consciousness same and one for all or different for each and everyone… How is it possible that all have one Consciousness only? Kindly clarify gm…

August 29, 2023 | 314 views

GM: You take yourself to be a fixed shape with certain labels added to it….

As a person you accept that you are separate from other forms.

Are you a person?

Then how do you know that ‘ you exist’?

What is the principle by which you know that you exist?

What is the principle by which entire manifestations including your form happen just now?

Without knowing the basic principle …which is more alive within just now…you take yourself to be a shape….

Can your form walk, eat, talk and move without that lively principle?

Can this question arise without your Consciousness?

First, know that in your ‘ I am ness’ only everything appears….

You never know this!

Just now you know that ‘ you exist’! 

This direct knowing without words is ‘I am ness’ Consciousness.

In your Consciousness, only everything appears, moves and disappears too…

You are asking about others.

Where do they all exist?

Can anyone exist if you are not Conscious of yourself?

In your Consciousness only everything happens just now…

You are not a person….

You are Consciousness at present…

There is only one Consciousness …
That is your ‘I amness’…

In your ‘I am ness’ only world, cosmos, entire manifestation happen just now…

But for your ‘I amness’ nothing is here.

Is there anything apart from your consciousness?

How do you know anything?

Can you know anything if you are not Conscious?

This ‘ I am ness’ is universal…

It is beyond forms.

Forms happen out of it!

It is beyond words.

Words happen out of it!

You never know the immense beauty of your Consciousness as you are trapped by a finite personality.

Your consciousness is infinite, it has no boundary…

It is full of peace and joy!

It is more alive!

Your consciousness is the source of entire manifestation within space just now …

Without your Consciousness neither the world nor any cosmos etc., here within space….

First pay attention on your ‘I amness’… peacefully…

Then you know!
