You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Is self only the by product of mind ?

July 17, 2023 | 336 views


You know that you exist just now… This knowing your presence is only out of the Self within.!

Self… Consciousness!

In deep sleep, you are not conscious of your presence hence no world…

Spontaneously by morning 5 or so…you are Conscious of yourself as ‘I am ness.’!

In your Consciousness not only your form all forms happen just now.!

Your Consciousness is the source of the entire manifestation in space!

Light is Consciousness.!

Out of light (Consciousness) only entire objects in space happen just now.!

Whatever you term as mind, thought, emotions and any happening around you are not you!

You only Observe them as and when they appear!

You are the Observer prior to Consciousness and its play happenings in space just now.!

Self is not the by product…

Self is the light out of which all objects happen just now.!

Self is prior to thoughts.!
