You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Is knowing the Observer, i.e. Self Realisation is Sudden or Gradual?

August 2, 2022 | 413 views

Knowing is always Here..Now..!

Knowing is Spontaneous!

In deep sleep you do not know that you exist!

Spontaneously you come to know that you exist as ‘I am ness’…… which is Consciousness..! 

This knowing your presence as ‘I am ness’ is spontaneous only.!

Spontaneously you are conscious of yourself!

Your Consciousness which is here spontaneously should wake up Consciously to know What it is!

Your  ‘I am ness’ Consciousness happens out of elemental interactions…….

Here Now!

But for the elemental interactions, ‘I am ness’ cannot happen just now!

This elemental play goes on spontaneously just now.!

In this spontaneous play…entire manifestations happen spontaneously… Just Now .!

In this manifested space…

This I am ness’ Consciousness is spontaneously functioning through all forms….

Just Now.!

Consciousness unknowingly accepts itself as a form….

Only at the form level this question happens.!

At the Conscious level every movement…every happening is spontaneous only….!

Only a realized says:

‘You are not the form!

You are prior to form!

Close your eyes and know the peace within constantly!’.

This teaching is also Spontaneous!

Your Consciousness trapped by personality…..starts waking up…. Consciously… spontaneously….!

Here in space, the dream called manifestations…happen spontaneously… just now.!

Self realization is… your self trapped by personality….waking up consciously… from the duality of the dream…called birth and death…at the form level…to know its Unborn Supreme Eternity,

The Absolute…beyond dualities…the Non dual.

First you are conscious of yourself as ‘I am ness’ …. spontaneously..!

The dream called entire manifestations happen…just now…spontaneously..!

All that needed is… to wake up from the dream consciously…!

‘I am ness’ Consciousness is also Spontaneous.!

Wakefulness is also Spontaneous.!

Wakefulness is…. your consciousness abiding in stillness consistently…and transcending itself….   by merging totally in its source of Awareness and knowing your eternity….beyond duality.

Only through wakefulness…

Your Consciousness knows its Supreme Reality…

The Absolute !

Wakefulness from What?

Wakefulness…only from the existing dream….!

The dream happens spontaneously just now!

Wakefulness is also here now… spontaneous ….

Just Now.!

Only through constant wakefulness your Consciousness wakes up totally..!

When Consciousness is Here .. Now …!

Wakefulness is Here Now….!

Realization is also spontaneous Only…!

Here Now…!

Once you are conscious you know that there are no persons here!

All by Consciousness itself..!

Remain Conscious consistently to know that Every happening is spontaneous only just now……!

Including………… Self Realization.!

Will you?