You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Is Entertainment a must for Relaxation?

July 13, 2022 | 369 views

GM: You are asking, Entertainment is a must?

First know that in Your consciousness only the entire show begins….!

With the beginning of your ‘I am ness’…. the whole manifestation happens…..!

If you are not Conscious, there is no world…!

You never remain aware of your Conscious presence, ‘I am’ …..!

Always deeply engrossed with future ideas and get more tensed for no reason…!

So for you, entertainment is a must just to get rid of ideas about the past…or… future…….!

Anyone needs entertainment as long as one is dragged down by the non existing past and future….!

How can anyone remain peaceful as long as one is more worried about that do not exist at the present moment …?

At the personality level, one needs entertainment to get rid of all accumulated nonsense…such as concepts or ideas….imposed from outside…..!

At the Conscious level, once you live Here Now…

You get to know that what is Here, Now….is immense peacefulness only…..!

You don’t need entertainment at the Conscious level…as you come to know that all happenings are only a play…by Consciousness…!

Consciousness  ‘I am’ happens first..!

It creates all forms simultaneously…and functions through them….!

Multi number of forms with varieties of shape and design…..moving in Conscious field with multi attitude…..!

Here, right from morning till sleep happens, what else is going on…?

Just an Entertainment only by Consciousness through billions of forms…….!

Endless play….!

Endless movements….!

Endless happenings…!

Once you are conscious, you will enjoy the play right from your wakefulness till sleep happens….!

You do not need a separate entertainment for a particular duration….!

Once you are conscious of yourself….!

Consciousness is not a person..!

It only functions through forms…!

Only Conscious forms with conscious knowing’ I am’……as only Consciousness is here functioning spontaneously….!

It does not require any entertainment…as all is by itself..!

When you are not Conscious of your present ‘I am ness’ ….you feel you are deceived by everyone around you as you feel yourself to be a separate entity from the wholeness…!

Hence you feel lonely and need some entertainment to relieve your tensions….!

But I tell you, You are the Supreme, Now appearing as a conscious form but only in your Conscious knowing  ‘I am’ ,  everything happens….!

your consciousness is continuously entertaining you provided you see all happenings…non seriously…..!

When you live non seriously, Here, Now!

You enjoy this Conscious play and you do not require any separate entertainment….!

This Conscious show begins in your ‘ I am ness’ and goes on…..and ends up in your ‘I am ness’ only…..!

It is a non stop entertainment only……..even Now..!

Better remain Conscious and enjoy the play.. throughout your waking state…..!

Then you will not long for any separate entertainment for a particular duration….!

You say… Entertainment for relaxation……

What do you mean by Relaxation?

You are already relaxed in your Awareness level…!

Even now..!

In Awareness conscious is no more…. so you are in utter Relaxation….like your deep sleep…!

Even now in spite of this conscious, ‘I am’.. Awareness is here only…in utter Relaxation….!

when you remain conscious consistently, then you are merging in Awareness which means you are in utter Relaxation…even Now…..!

Don’t miss it…It is Here, Now…!

When your consciousness is already the source of entertainment…..!

Why long for a short entertainment for a shorter period?


Here, Now….!!!

I am here Always…!

In utter relaxation…….!

Join Me..!

Merge in Me..! and

Know Me..!

I prevail Ever Here…!


In spite of all show by Consciousness as I am aware of this play by Conscious….!

I Observe but relaxed….!

As I know nothing happens in Conscious field and Whatever that happens is nothing but a dream…unreal…!

Better wake up Now…!

And remain relaxed… forever…from the so called dream by Consciousness….!

Once you wake up, where is the dream…?

You are relieved from the dream…!

you are utterly relaxed now..!

Not until then….!

If it is understood…

Relaxation is Here… Now…!

Just Be and know….!

Relaxation is at the awareness level only which knows the dream by Consciousness….!

Once you understand clearly all the play by consciousness in the conscious field then you are utterly relaxed….as you know it is all a play only…

Not real ……..

Relaxation is … Here…… Now….!

Not somewhere…..!

Can you relax …. at least……. Now…?