You Are Already That

Beloved GM, If the purpose of coming to this dream world is to know the Consciousness that you are the universe, then why I come from the universe?

October 8, 2022 | 376 views

GM: You Never come Here! You are Ever Here. You are the Absolute just Now!

Consciousness happens out of the elemental interaction and knows itself as ‘I am’ within a form.

This ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness unknowingly accepts itself as a form though it is prior to form.

Entire manifestations including all forms, universe and cosmos happen out of your ‘ I am ness’ only.

Now your consciousness accepts itself as a form and asks Why I come from the universe?

Once your consciousness knows it is Consciousness only and not the form…

Then it starts waking by up from its dream called manifestations….and knows its beyondness….

You , the Absolute prevail prior to Consciousness.

Once Consciousness happens, you are trapped by the show called manifestations…..taking all to be real….

To know you are the Absolute beyond Consciousness….

Your Consciousness has to wake up at the Conscious level to transcend the dream.

Your Consciousness is strongly holding on to personality level as true …that is why it asks why I come from the universe though you are prior to universe!

Nothing Never Happens to You the Observer!

In your observation dreams called manifestations , cosmos, All forms , Universe happen….and all are by Consciousness itself….!

So it is for your ‘I amness’ Consciousness to wake up from its own dream to know nothing has happened here…Birth, Life, Death…all are only a dream….!

And you are always in your Original Supreme state beyond Birth and Death…!


It is your Consciousness which creates the dream called world…and all forms…!

It is your Consciousness which functions through all forms…..!

It is your Consciousness which wakes up Consciously and knows that all is a dream only!

You the Observer, Ever here Never do Anything !

You Only Observe!

You , the Observer have no purpose here!

You only Observe All that happen !

Even now if you Observe silently all that happen in Conscious field, you are out of the dream from the manifestations of Consciousness!

But you involve more and more as you take everything to be more real as you are not Aware of this Consciousness play….!

Now it is for you to Observe the dream silently or to continue the Dream Unknowingly…..!