You Are Already That

Beloved GM, If I am consciousness, why am I identified with mind and body?

April 13, 2022 | 402 views

GM: You are Conscious already!!!

Or else how can you ask the question?

It is your Consciousness asking this question as it is not aware of itself.

First you become Conscious of yourself.

In your consciousness only, body and thoughts happen.

If you are not Conscious where is the body and thought?

Your Consciousness happens first, in your Consciousnessonly body and thoughts appear. Is it not?

Instead of giving preference to consciousness, you give preference to body and thought.

Form is needed for the Consciousness to know its presence as ‘I am ness’.

Though Consciousness is everywhere, it knows its presence as ‘I am ness’ only through a physical matrix called form!

Similarly, thoughts also help you.

Consciousness is the Master!

Form and thoughts are your servants.

Consciousness means you know that you exist without words.

Your direct knowing about your existence.

Once you go within, you will gradually know the peacefulness within.

Then your consciousness guides you.

Remain conscious and make use of the form and thought like a king using all paraphernalia for his empire.

Live like an emperor, not less than that. But identify your Self only as consciousness!!!

See clearly, everything as a play happening in your consciousness by consciousness itself.

You feel relieved as an observer.

You are in Supreme state always but could not realize it due to conscious play.

So, knowledge of consciousness is most important.

In deep sleep you remain peaceful.

After the arrival of consciousness, you miss peacefulness though it is here now.

So consciousness has to know itself.!

Entire movements within space is a play by consciousness.

I know peacefulness which is endless and infinite as I am aware of consciousness.

There is not even an iota of truth in the field of consciousness.

So why bother about any happening which is not true?